Chapter 22

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"Dakota, look at me," Karson growled. I kept my eyes closed. "Princess."

I opened one of my eyes and stared into his direction. I didn't want to see when he put the stitches in. The thought made me sick.

"This is going to hurt, so I need you to sit as still as possible," he explained, grabbing all the materials.

I nodded my head, giving him a thumbs up, signaling I was ready. He put the needle in, threading the first stitch. I held my breath as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"How do you know how to do this?" I strained, trying to make conversation to distract myself from the pain.

"Like they said, I used to fight," he huffed, another stitch going through. My body tensed as I bit my tongue, drawing blood. My toes curled in my shoes as my other hand clenched at my side.

"He would clean up his own injuries," Braxton explained, answering for Karson.

"Keep talking, it's distracting me," I breathed out, my nostrils flaring as my eyes began to water from shutting them so tightly.

"My middle name is Joey," Braxton added, helping me as my mind tried to think of other things. I slightly smiled as a tear fell down my swollen cheek. So much pain.

"Keep going," I trembled, still closing my eyes as Karson continued to close my wound. I held back a sob, my leg anxiously moving up and down.

"Pretty girl," Braxton paused, the concern evident in his voice. "It's going to be okay."

"P-please, just keep talking," My voice broke as I tried to keep myself from breaking down in front of them. I pushed all my emotions down, but they were finally catching up to me now.

Fuck, I'm supposed to work tomorrow. I won't be able to work. I'm going to have to call Stan.

My mind started wandering off as many questions began to suffocate my thoughts. Why did my mother have to be an alcoholic? Why did my siblings have to deal with her shit at such a young age? Why did dad have to die? Why is life so shit?

"We all moved down here together to get a fresh start," Colton added.

I heard a grunt as I opened my eyes to see Braxton elbowing Colton in the gut. Braxton gave him a hard look.

"I'm almost done," Karson muttered next to me as I felt a pinch near my fingers.

"Did the same person who choked you the other day do this too?" Braxton hesitantly asked.

My body stiffened as I glanced at Braxton, my eyes wide. I thought they would forget about it. "W-what?"

"You were walking home in the dark and you had a huge bruise on your neck, then this happens. Who is doing this to you?" Braxton asked as his electrifying blue eyes stared at me with caution.

"No one is doing this to me. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and a few guys jumped me," I briefly explained as the last stitch went through my palm.

"I finished," Karson grunted. I looked down at my palm as he gently wiped the remaining blood away. The wound finally stopped bleeding. I let out a breath of relief as my body finally relaxed for the first time tonight.

I looked into his emerald eyes, my breath still rigid. "Thank you."

Karson just nodded his head in response as he gathered all of the materials and started cleaning up the area. Colton went back into the kitchen to grab me some water and food to help me feel less lightheaded.

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