Chapter 17 " Trouble "

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The picture I upload is Jackson! Hope you love him!

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Stephen P.O.V

" No! Let me go you asshole! " I screamed as I struggled in his arms. Whoever the hell this was knew what he was doing because I couldn't get out of his hold.

He stretched out his leg reaching for the lock of the toaster window locking it tight. Fuck! If that wasn't the worst of it I knew that my back would top it off because I could feel it burning with pain as my captor held me against his chest.

" JACKSON! " I screamed out hoping he would hear me. As I was about to scream for Jackson again my captor covered my mouth before I could scream again.

This shit just got serious. I was not going to just let myself be taken!

I just got my baby Riley back!

" Shut up! I finally have you and I'm going to make sure that Jackson regrets everything he's ever done! " He hissed in my ear.

I whined trying to move his hand away from my mouth by pulling on his hands but he kept a firm grip on it. I started kicking my legs when I felt him moving us away from my only exit that I dearly needed to get out of here.

My screams and pleads were useless as they were covered by his huge hand, I even tried licking his hand! The guy didn't move his hand even when I did that!

I had stopped kicking my legs when the pain in my back came to unbearable that tears started to fall down my face. My captor noticed and laughed " Aw are you crying because I'm the one that's going to steal your virginity instead of the fucking asshole Jackson? "

I growled at that if anyone was taking anything it was Jackson, like I would let this prick take me!

He's got another thing coming!

His hand moved to my back right where my pain was, my breath hitched making him chuckle " Or is it because your hurt here!? " he asked just as he punched me right on my bruise.

I screamed in pain, he removed his hand from my mouth letting my scream out instead of muffling it with his hand. He let me go as I fell on the floor gripping the floor underneath me. My back felt like it was on fire and someone decided to put water on it thinking it was a great idea when it wasn't.

I knew the guy did the shit on purpose though fucking asshole! Banging from the wall cut me out of my thoughts as me and my captor looked at the wall. I knew it was Jackson, I could hear him screaming my name.

" Looks like he heard you, that's good. Time to go! " He announced reaching to pick me up but I slapped his hand away. He didn't like that obviously since he growled and kicked me in the stomach before picking me up throwing me over his shoulder. I groaned in pain, this guy doesn't know how treat a person!

Shit! I needed to get out!

The man's voice echoed through the now empty basement" By the way, the name's Ellie. " he said before opening the door leading to my doom.



Jackson P.O.V

I knew something was wrong I wasn't stupid. Even when we arrived I knew something was wrong, no guards, easy entrance to Riley?! It was all to easy!

There's something going on but as long as we get out of here safe and sound it'll be okay.

I climbed out from the window after Riley. I picked her up again just as I did Derek's head popped out of the window. Derek then waited since Steph was picking him up.

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