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Natacha eyes widened, "C-cancer?" She stuttered scared.

The doctor sighed, "yes an... And you just have a few months left." Her hand shook at the revelation. She couldn't understand what she was saying, how could she when he had just told her she soon going to die.

She swallowed, "doctor please this cannot be possible, how could I have cancer?" Tears started falling from her eyes.


"Mrs Bentley listen to me, in about two months your system will shut down, but if we start your procedures now maybe you could live longer." Natacha looked shaken, she could not just process the fast the she was going to die soon.

"How much would it cost?" She looked up and the doctor sighed.

"For now 100k every week." Natacha closed her eyes fumbling bag tightly.

"Ma'am should I prescribed the drug that you could use to stay active?" She nodded.

He brought out a stick note and wrote the prescribed drug. She nodded at the doctor and left the office.

As she walked toward the pharmacy the new revelation was dishearten. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry her hearts out. She was not like all kind of people that would find out she is dying and starting doing wild things.

She did not want to die, at least not now. She still had a long life ahead of her and she did not want to die just yet.

Her life was a total mess, from day one uptown this moment at least she had loved and she was still loving.

That her made her remember Robert, oh God! How was she going to tell him that she was dying in two months and Obiora? The girl was barely talking but within the two weeks they had know each other they had built a relationship and leaving her would not be the ideal thing to do.

She girl was just like her, at a young age she was traumatized by someone's selfish desire.

She looked at the pharmacist and passed the small paper in her hand to her.

The pharmacist frowned looking at her then at the drug. She looked up at the woman who was staring at her, "what?!" She snapped and pharmacist looked away. She brought out the drug.

"Here your money is 6590 naira." Natacha brought her card absent mindedly, she wiped her tears away and took the drug from the woman and walked away.

She entered her car quietly and the driver headed home. She did not know who to tell first? Robert?

Oh God he would be so heartbroken, he would not be able to handle it. She knew she did not hate Robert, not at all but she was angry at him, she was angry at everyone and anyone.

Her phone sprang up and with teary face she looked at Olivia's name flash on the screen she thought of ignoring it but she knew she needed someone to talk about this thing because it was actually eating her alive.

"Natacha?" Olivia said as soon as she picked the call.

"What? Why are you calling?" Natacha knew that was rude but she wasn't in the right state of mind.

"Natacha if you know this is how you wanted to talking to me then why did you pick my call?" Natacha sighed feeling tired.

"What do you want Olivia?" She said this time lowly because she did not want her to hear her crying.

"Natacha did you know that Robert got Nathaniel arrested?" Natacha sat up.

"What? What do you mean he got Nathaniel arrested?!" Olivia frowned.

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