017 ||Australian Intrest||

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[Y/n's POV]

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[Y/n's POV]

The man and his Hunting Party had brought us back to his colony. I knew it was Aimee's when I saw the half-eaten Jenner Beach sign.

Joel was still asleep, he was in the medical room hopefully being taken care of.

The colony was similar to ours, same rooms and purpose, just a different layout.

I heard Joel start to wake up and Aimee walked in, glaring at me.

She was probably a little upset, and confused, that a girl had come with Joel 80 miles to find her. I didn't blame her, if Tom came 80 miles to see me with another girl, I would be a little jealous, myself. Or even if the tables were turned and Aimee and Joel came to find me.

But to be honest, I already envied Aimee. I had no reason to. Not a good one anyway. It was clear that Joel loved her, even if he was trying to kiss me a while back, he was delusional and wasn't thinking straight. Maybe he thought I was Aimee while he was hallucinating. Only he knows...if he remembers, that is.

So my reason to hate Aimee with every bone in my body was pretty shitty. I should be happy that the man I'm in love with has rejoined his girlfriend after seven long and painful years, but I hated her.

And I was totally jealous, but not for the reasons I had been for the past seven years, because of Tom. I hated that Joel cared for her, Aimee.

I was told to wait outside while Aimee and Joel talked, but that didn't prevent me from listening in.

"Who's that girl?" Aimee demanded.

"That- that girl! Right! That's Y/n," Joel told her.

"Y/n?" Aimee repeated.

"Yeah," Joel must have realized how wrong he was sounding. "She's- shes no one, she saved my life,"

"So 'no one' saved your life?" Aimee scoffed. No-one? I save your life and I'm just no one? Bullshit. I was about to leave to get some food, but I heard Joel speak one last time.

"Yeah, from a pretty big monster too," Joel he said. "I wouldn't be here without her," I smiled now that he defended me. It was strange to know that I could be so pissed off at him, but he would just say something or smile where his lips curve perfectly, and I would go back to being utterly and completely in love with him.

I continued grinning like a crazy person as I walked out onto the beach where the rest of the colony was.

From what I could tell, the colony consisted of people over the age of 60. Nothing wrong with a senior colony, just interesting.

I was eating the remains of an apple when I saw Joel step outside of the colony.

"Joel!" I waved as I walked over to him,

"Y/n, I am so sorry for the way I was, I was delusional and I-" He ranted

"Hey, it's alright. You were completely out of it. It's fine, it's not like you actually wanted to kiss me," I joked.

"Yeah," He said in almost a sad tone.

"Perfect timing," I heard Aimee from behind us, it was as if she completely ignored my presence. "Joel, this is Dana and Rocko," Aimee introduced, two people had walked up behind us, they looked very intimidating, I could see Joel got a little uncomfortable.

"Sup," Rocko greeted.

"These are the guys from the ychat." Aimee smiled.

"Cool," Joel said, "Is that a- is that an arm cannon?" Joel asked Dana.

"Homemade," She patted her arm with the cannon on it.

"Which one of you is the yacht captain?" I asked the two.

"Guilty as charged. Captain Brooks Wilkinson," A man came out the door, he was tall, blonde and was Australian. Shit. Why is his accent similar to Tom's?

To be honest, I was expecting it to affect me more, but it didn't. Maybe Joel being American was rubbing off on me. "Royal Australian Navy," He introduced.

"Oh, dear God," Joel muttered, I chuckled.

"My mates call me Cap." He told us, he shook Joel's hand and came over to me. "You can call me Brooks," Cap kissed my hand, making me pull away immediately. He gave me bad vibes already.

"I'll stick to Cap," I told him. He nodded, not letting my comment get to him.

"I see you've met these specimens, but this beautiful lady is our yacht." Cap pointed to the boat in the water. The yacht was many things, but beautiful isn't one of them. "A little showy for my taste, but she gets the job done,"

"Cap, this is Joel. and... Y/n," Aimee told him.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"Joel ended up travelling seven days on the surface to get here," Aimee told Cap. Once again, leaving me out of the picture. Bitch.

"Seven days?" Cap asked.

"Yeah, seven- seven days." I hit his arm. "With Y/n's help," Joel added. I didn't want to impress the Australian guy, but I didn't come all this way to get no credit.

"That is one hell of a journey," Cap told us.

"It was, yeah," Joel agreed.

"Why'd you leave your colony, Joel?" Rocko asked.

"You get caught stealing food?" Dana asked.

"No, neither I nor Y/n got caught stealing food. Why is that a thing?" Joel sassed. Though, I could tell he was trying his best to be poetic.

"He came for love. Good on ya mate, that's beautiful," Cap noticed. "There is no mission more admirable than love,"

"You, Cap, are we cooking this shit or what? I feel like I've got King Kong's nuts on my shoulders," Rocko asked,

"That's charming, Rock, really. I'm trying to impress the beautiful lady," Cap told Rocko. I could see Joel tense up. Why, though? "Joel, you seem like a man who knows his way around a barbecue."

"Actually, I don't."

"Come help us get a fire started," Cap instructed.

"Actually, I'm gonna just catch up with Aimee for a sec if it's..."

"I apologize, old habits... You show up and here I am trying to give you orders. I'll give you guys some privacy, yeah? Y/n, let's go," Cap started to walk off. Joel pushed me forward and I flipped him off, earning a light chuckle.


Updated on March 16, 2023

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