• Final •

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The following content contains violence and a use of a pistol. Advised to not read if sensitive.

The moment his eyes opened, he was greeted by nothing but complete void spaces around him, not like he even spent. Jungkook's been locked up in his room for days. All he would do was stare out of his glass window, eyeballs moving to the speed of the noisy vehicles, as if this was the most productive he could get.

Once again, silence but this silence would only be broken by his wall clock, ticking uniformly, sound almost negligible. He would often stare at your phone, which he decided to keep after you got admitted into ER and he knew he was at fault. Guilt written all over his face and as if some kind of new skin was attached, his expression wouldn't charge. His pure black orbs hiding under those heavy lids while another tear slipped and rolled down his cheeks.

What could he do? If there was anything in the universe that would allow him to reverse time and come up with a better plan, before putting your life in danger, he would give himself up.

He let out a couple of heavy breaths, chest rising and falling. He believes he doesn't even have the right to shed tears, not after what he did.

Once again footsteps approached.

Jimin came into view, he sighed yet again, seeing his friend in misery not even ready to visit your resting figure at the hospital. "Jungkook get up" he pulled the blanket that was covering his lower body. "Can't you hear me? I said get up" you might say he's being harsh, but see from the point of view of a friend. How would you feel when you are if no use while he suffers?

"Let's go" he said, grabbing Jungkook's wrist, who just stood up weakly."where?"  "to yn"
Then Jungkook pulled his hand away from his grip. "No way, I don't want to" and now Jimin was frustrated. "what do you think this is huh? A drama or some melodramatic movie for you to look like a lizard? Why are you doing this Jungkook?" The last part came out super soft, with his brows raised in concern.

"I don't deserve to see her..like you said I should have had a better plan and not acted recklessly" he said turning to the other side, ignoring his friend's worried sighs.

"You can go if you want to" "no, I have an equal part in this, too. I'm not going" Jimin was half lying, he already visited once, because he couldn't just sit still.

He witnessed your pale body on the hospital bed, eyes closed with a dream on. "Instead do something to me Jungkook, hit me or scold me or do anything, do anything to not bottle up your guilt or angry" and the next second Jungkook teared up, his fist landed on Jimin's chest, not in a way to hurt him or harshly..but instead weakly.

"Or should we go to Taehyun and let your anger out?" Jimin carefully asked like a brother trying to distract his younger brother. "No I'm fine now and I don't want anything with that bastard behind bars" Jungkook's teeth clenched involuntarily. Ya, that's right.. Jungkook already dealt with Taehyun...the next day after you were admitted.

Past: The next day after the incident

"Jungkook tell me where the f👀k you're going" Jimin mouthed while his eyeballs moved from one side to the other, following his friend. Jungkook was putting on his white shirt and then did something that shocked Jimin.

Jungkook opened his night stand only to pull up a pistol. "Jungkook!!" Jimin almost screamed at him and this time finally, Jungkook looked. "I'll that b*stard'' he was being serious, as if it was even the time to joke. "You'll go to jail Jungkook '' Jimin stopped the aggressive Jungkook from stepping out of the room, by blocking him by his hands on Jungkook's chest. "okay I'll go"

Jungkook was about to disappear from the house when Jimin spoke again, "then take me with you. I'll be of help" and stop you from killing. Jimin thought to himself. "no, this is me against him"

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