Chapter 42 - Kevin

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To celebrate the removal of the cast and sling, and being cleared by the doctors at her six week check up, Kevin and Stephanie were going hiking. It was a two-hour drive to the provincial park; they packed his car full of snacks, a picnic, blankets and warm hiking clothes, and a stack of park maps.

Stephanie was animatedly regaling him with the latest gossip from the office, including Charlotte's quest to get with David.

"It was just three of us at lunch, and she was asking me everything I knew about David. I honestly did not know what to tell her. I just kept telling her he was best friends with my ex, so I try not to think about him, and gave her the briefest information about him I could. But I was so torn on what to do, because he gives me such bad vibes, but part of me is also like, if he's dating Charlotte, he'll stop bothering me right?

"So I didn't tell her about all the messages he's been sending me and stuff, I don't want her mad at me for getting attention I really don't want."

"Wait, why would she be mad at you for that?"

She looked at Kevin as if he had two heads. "Some people are emotional thinkers, not rational. Especially about things like this."


"So, after reassuring her for the twentieth time that I am really not interested in David, because he brings up bad memories, I think she finally started to believe me."

Smiling at Kevin during this part Stephanie continued, "So, I said to her, 'but what about the blond guy from the bar?' and I kid you not, she looked at me and went. 'What guy? Oh, yeah! He was cute. I forgot about him. But David works in our building, and he's got this sexy intensity which is so hot, and I know I'll be able to see him again!' so I asked if she gave up her claim on you and she said yes. You can only claim one guy at a time, it's only fair."

He smiled and reached for her hand, "So, does that mean you've claimed me instead?"

"Yes. Obviously!" Stephanie leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. He couldn't remember ever enjoying the drive more.


Three hours later they reached the top of a cliff. Kevin spread out the blanket while Stephanie rummaged in her bag for the picnic.

"Can you hold that corner down for me?" He looked over to see her already snacking on the fruit, and she turned to him with a look of innocence. He couldn't help but laugh. She stuck out her foot to keep the blanket down while he straightened out the rest of it. When he finished, he laid down on his back, and she lobbed the bag of sandwiches towards him.


"Ooof!" They landed right on his stomach and he curled up around them while she laughed.

"Sorry, they weren't supposed to hit you." She came over more slowly with the rest of the snacks, and sat down beside him. "You okay?"

"I am hurt, so very, very hurt." He used his serious voice, and tried not to smile at her radiance. "I might not make it."

She laughed and leaned over to kiss him quickly. As she pulled away, he tangled his fingers into her ponytail and gently tugged her back down towards him, "Not sure that was enough to cure me. Try again?" he whispered. She obliged and he deepened the kiss. Her hands wandered over his shoulders, and he cupped her face with his other hand. Her tongue ran over his upper lip, and he groaned, opening his mouth up to her.

A few breathless minutes later, they broke apart and rolled onto their backs to look up at the sky. Kevin inched his hand over to cover Stephanie's.

"Shall we eat?" she asked.

"I thought we were having a moment! Is it only about food with you?"

"Not only. But right now, yes." She sat up and began to open all the food.

They settled in with their lunches and looked out over the cliff. They could see the lake off in the distance, and admired the way the sun glinted off it like diamonds.

"Any chance you brought flashlights with you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, we're facing west right? I was thinking this would be a nice place to watch the sunset." She leaned back against him, and he wrapped his arms around her.

He thought about it for a second, "It would, how much food do we have left? And how many extra layers did you pack in your bag?"

"I still have some more clothes. Food might be running scarce for the way home though."

"Will you survive it?" he asked with a smirk.

"You know, I just might for this."

His smirk turned into a pure smile. "Then it's a date. We will watch the sunset. I know a place we can stop on the way home to get you some more food."

"My hero!" She turned to flash her bright smile on him and they laughed together. "We've still got a while to wait though, what should we do?"

"Well, we can either wander around a bit and come back for sunset, or we can play cards. I always keep a deck in my bag."

"Really?" She looked surprised and impressed, "Were you a boy scout or something growing up? Always be prepared?"

He chuckled. "Maybe. I like to come out here by myself sometimes; it's good to have something to do while camping."

"Huh. Well, let's go for a walk. It's really gorgeous here so I want to explore some more." She got to her feet and held out a hand to Kevin. "Up you get."

He stood up and pulled her towards him again, kissing her gently. "That was never part of my boy scout experience."

They gathered their belongings and headed back onto the trail.


After stopping for a bite to eat on the way home, Kevin was driving while Stephanie slept in the seat beside him. He couldn't stop his mind from wandering back to the sunset they shared.

They had snuggled together, the blanket wrapped up around their shoulders, feeling cozy and sharing some red licorice. They chatted for a while, but she had fallen silent while the sun disappeared over the lake. The sky was ablaze with oranges and yellows and purples.

Her wistful sigh as the sun dipped over the horizon and out of sight was the cutest sound he had ever heard, and he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. The sky was mostly purple then, with a bit of red, and she whispered "Sunset lavender. That's what that crayon would be." He turned her face towards him and kissed her gently. It was the best sunset he had ever seen.

His fingers tapped the steering wheel as he looked over at her again, curled up on the seat with her face in her hand against the window. The feeling of butterflies he would get whenever he looked at her had stopped weeks ago, but he noticed now it was replaced by something completely different. It was warm, hopeful, and happy. It soothed him. 

It took him a few minutes to figure it out, but when he did, the realization hit him like a freight train. It was love. For the first time in his life, he knew he was in love. The beautiful, brilliant, and wonderful woman beside him had stolen his heart, and he knew his life would never be the same again. 

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