Dewy | شبنمی

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Shida-e-ishq nay banayi yeh halut meri,

nabz chalthi hai you dukhthi hai kalayi meri.


The clouds were thundering and rain pounded down relentlessly, blowing sideways from the strength of the wind. Zohaib was blankly looking outside the window. Raindrops were falling on him every now and then. Despite having a long tiring day he was unable to sleep. He went towards the table and picked up the vase in his hands and placed it in a safer place so it won't fall due to the wind. She had replaced the flowers. He looked at them intently.

"No nooo", 

"Help me", Faryal cried.

Zohaib came out of the trance and rushed towards the bed.

"It's just a nightmare. Calm down....kuch nahi hova hai (Nothing happened)", he said softly and rubbed her back.

Faryal opened her eyes and hugged him. He peeked at Zahra and thankfully she was deep asleep.

He felt something wet on his neck.

"Tears", he thought.

She was shivering. He moved back slightly to wipe her tears.

"You are burning with fever", he mumbled worriedly. He laid her down on the bed. He brought a cold compress, applied it to her forehead, and gave her medicine.

Her fever came down early in the morning but she was terribly shivering. He half laid down beside her and pulled her closer.

Flashback starts:

Zohaib was pacing restlessly in front of the labour room. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he mopped it away with his forearm. He was extremely restless. He was mumbling Quranic verses and prayers.

"Zohaib why are you so tense beta? Ayza and the baby both will be fine In'Sha'Allah", Mom said.

Zohaib stopped and looked at his mother. He didn't know why but he was feeling anxious, extremely anxious. Suddenly the door of the labour room opened and a doctor rushed towards them.

"Zohaib Ayza's blood pressure is not coming down. We can either save the baby or the mother", A senior doctor said worriedly. Zohaib felt like his whole world crashed down around him

"What do you mean. She had a normal pregnancy", Ayza's mother let out a painful cry. Everyone stood up from the chairs.

"We need your sign Zohaib", The doctor showed papers to Zohaib. "Urgently".

Huzaifa moved forward and kept his hand on Zohaib's shoulder. Zohaib took the pen and paper from the doctor. His hand was shaking and his vision was blurred with tears.

"Save my wife", he said with a shaky voice and signed. His tears fell on the paper.

"Please save my wife", he let out a loud cry this time. "I beg you please save her doctor".

"Keep praying, we will do whatever we can", the doctor said and hurriedly went inside the labour room.

Dad hugged Zohaib and whispered, "Everything will be fine my boy". Dad consolingly rubbed his back.

After a while, they heard the cry of a child. The doors of the labour room opened and the doctor came outside. Zohaib ran towards her.

"Ma'am how's Ayza?", he asked.

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