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"Wait, go back a few seconds." Learning how to braid is more frustrating than I thought it would be. Women with long, crazy hair can braid their hair in less than half a minute, why is it taking me so damn long? It feels like it's been two hours, but in reality, it's been ten minutes. I  hate  this. It looks simple as hell yet I can't get it so I just feel dumb as hell, and I'm ready to kill Robbie. He's in the corner trying to hold back his laughter. He's a good kid but like everyone else, he has his asshole moment.

But Agnes wants braids, and I'm going to spoil her. She gets whatever she wants without my complaining. I know I shouldn't but I can't say no to her.

Agnes goes back a few seconds on the YouTube video then holds up the phone again. Then it starts ringing. Agnes is about to answer it when I reach down and take it from her. "It's Charlie," she pouts.

"He can wait."

"William," she gives me a look that says I'm not going to win.

"Alright." I press answer and put the phone to my ear. "Yeah?" I mumble, leaning back into the sofa. Agnes gets up from the floor, sits next to me, and rests her legs on my lap.

"How's everyone there?" Charlie says.

"We're good. Thanks."

"I have good and sort of bad new-" my eyes instantly dart to Agnes, who's smiling hard at the tv "-my friend found a house. It's affordable for starters, small but cozy, there's a backyard-again, small but it's nice, and you get a driveway too."

"Charlie," I lean forward, rooting my elbows on my knees and trapping Agnes' legs. "I'm not hearing the problem."

He sighs. "There's another buyer, but they don't know about you. I think you should come back and check it out as soon as possible. If you like it then it's yours."

"Why does it sound like you're talking about doing everything today?"

"Because I am. It's already been expected and everything. Hell, it's only a few years old. I'm telling you, Will, you're a dumbass to pass this offer."

I run my fingers through my hair. "Yeah, we're on our way. Thank you." Agnes turns to me with sad eyes. I shake my head, placing my hand on hers.

"I'll send you the address," Charlie says, then I hang up and shove my phone in my front pocket.

"What's wrong?" Agnes whispers.

"Charlie has a house for me, but we have to see it now-like now. Now."

"We?" Her brows pull together.

"I can't get a place without you. If we like it, it'll be our home soon." She smiles brightly, starting to shake with excitement. "Go upstairs and get dress, we leave in ten."

"Okay!" She flies off the couch, stops then runs back and throws her arms around my neck, hugging me. "Thank you."

"It's not for sure." Did I just get her hopes up?

"I know, but still. Thank you." She pulls away, plants a kiss on my cheek, then as fast as she came and hugged is as fast as she lets go completely and runs up the stairs.

I turn to Robbie. "Are you coming?"

He scoffs, standing up from the couch. "It's not my place to go. But thanks."

I call Tisha and tell her the good news. Well...I made it seem like I'm just telling her good news, but I'm really-sort of-asking her for permission. Tisha is still Agnes' foster mother, and I can't just take Agnes off the island without informing Tisha first. It makes my blood boil, Agnes is my kid, I shouldn't ask for permission, but Tisha didn't make it feel that way, like I was asking for permission. She told me how happy she was and just wanted to know if we were going to be back for dinner.

If I'm being honest with myself and for Agnes, Tisha has made this a lot easier.


"It's a long ride," I tell Agnes for the hundredth time. Tualatin, Oregon wasn't my first choice, but it only adds twenty-thirty minutes to my three hours long drive. "I don't want to stop a lot."

"I'm fine, William." It's such a relief to have her call me William again. I check her seatbelt once more, then place Night Fury on her lap. I plant a kiss on her forehead. "I love you too," she grins. I smile, stepping back, and shut the door. When I climb into the driver's seat, I hear Agnes humming.


Charlie's waiting at the end of the driveway when I pull up. He moves out of the way so I can park, then I jump out. "What do you think?" He waves towards the house. It's nice, real nice.

"It's affordable for who? Me or you?" I move to the hood of the car and lean onto it, shoving my hands in my front pockets.

He smiles. "Can you trust me?"

"This is for Agnes we're talking about, I can't take any chances."

"I know. How is she anyway?"

"She's sleeping."

"You brought her?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I slowly open Agnes' door she's leaning on and catch her before she falls. "Agnes?" She mumbles something understandable. "Agnes, we're here." I can see her eyes starting to move behind her eyelids, then they open. I smile, cupping her face. "Hey."

"Hi," she smiles lazily. "Are we here?"

"Yeah." I pull my hands from her cheeks and unbuckle her seatbelt. "Ready?" She nods, and I remove her from her seat and pick her up. She rests her head on my shoulder.

"Hi, Charlie," she waves at him.

"Hey, kid."

"Are you showing the house?" I ask Charlie.

"No, my friend's waiting inside."

I carry Agnes to the front door then put her down. "We got this," she whispers, taking my hand. I smile at her, and Charlie opens the door.

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