⋆1༄ The Arctic Young Man.

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First of all, hello! Secondly, I. Am. Absolutely. Astonished. I still can't believe how many of you showed up and commented on the last chapter and also the prologue! It made me so, so happy! You made that day feel like Christmas, honestly, so thank you from the bottom of my heart! I've been paying more attention to the wording now, and even though it's only the first chapter, I'd be pleased with your honest opinions! It's a short one for a start but hopefully good!

Ready? :D


1 of July, the day of Davina's return.

Davina's POV

The warm rays of the late sun shine upon my face, their ruby-red colour contrasts with the now dark smaragdine of my eyes. There is a melodic chirping of the birds sat on the nearby, leafy trees, the aqua-blue sky seems endless above my head. The entire surrounding me area is bathed in the impeccable calmness of the summer. There are a few butterflies resting peacefully on the wild flowers growing by the road, their wings as colourful as the petals of the tiny, cute plants they're sat on. But even with the serenity of the world lasting around me, I can't fight the wrath that consumes me from within.

After a good minute of an unbroken silence, I finally manage to retrieve my eyes back over to Will. My stare is grave, sorely murderous, but it doesn't seem to bother him at all. He's just stood there, right in front of me, perfect in every way, with his perfect girlfriend right beside him.

Avery; I say it in my head, the bitterness of her name inert on my tongue.

Feeling like a ticking bomb that might explode any minute, I draw in a calming breath and eventually speak up. "Your new girlfriend?" I mutter, the disbelief laced within my words. "How many did you have then before I came back!?"

After noticing my growing anger and having gauged my reaction for a few seconds, Will turns his head to Avery. "Can you go inside, please? I'll come in a minute," he orders her politely, his words as sweet and soft as a marshmellow.

"Sure," she murmurs untroubled, and kisses him swiftly on the lips.

The level of my infuration is so high right now that my hands involuntarily ball into fists, my whole body trembles thanks to this unintended affront. I've been waiting for a whole month, believing that I will be the one who is going to kiss him, but he obviously couldn't help himself. I must've clearly not been worth the wait.

"What are you doing here?" he asks dryly once Avery disappears behind the gate that he first opened for her, using a tiny remote that he fished out of the pocket of his shorts.

"What am I doing here!?" I vociferate, chuckling humourlessly. "Are you being serious right now!?" I incredulously shake my head, my eyes burn with annoyance. "You've been out of touch for weeks! I was worried sick!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air.

"Are you done?" he asks, his grating question fuels my anger.

"What is this?" I chuckle but my laughter lacks the mirth. "Why are you acting this way and why have you changed your number?" I demand, my words seething with disappointment and fury.

"I don't need to explain myself to you," he says coldly, his black eyes pinned to my own.

"You don't?" I huff in disbelief. "On the contrary, I think that you should since you left me at the airport with the confession of your love for me, and now, somehow, you happen to have a girlfriend! What the fuck, Will!?" I boom, unable to remain my composure anymore.

He studies my face intently, and after a few seconds of the void silence lasting between us, he eventually speaks up. "I never meant it," he says, and I feel my heart fall from the milkyway down into the depths of the ocean.

"I... wow." Is all I can muster, the outrage that consumed me from within now oozes from my eyes in the form of bitter tears.

"And why are you crying?" He sighs carelessly, unfazed by my sadness. "You never said it back anyway."

"So this is what it's all about?" I snort, unable to process the stupidity behind this whole situation. "Because I didn't say it!?"

"No," he responds freely, emotionlessly.

"Then what is it about? Why are you doing this?"

"I think you should go home now," he mutters, and it doesn't sound like a choice that he's giving me. It sounds like a command.

Having thought about what he just said, I turn my head around and look at the mansion behind me. "Is this yours now? The house?" I ask, wanting to find out at least a tiny bit of the things that have changed when I was still in America.

"Yes," he responds, his eyes cold.

"Where does your father live now then?" I carry on with another question, wanting to avert our conversation away from his girlfriend.

"Why? Want to pay him a visit? Can't shag the son so you're switching for the father?" he asks, his snide, absolutely vile words shock me.

"Excuse me!?" I choke on my saliva, dumbfounded.

"You heard me," he responds, his tone as dry as the ground beneath my feet that must've been exposed to the sun for at least a few days now. "Just go, Davina," he adds, striding towards the gate.

"Will!" I shout, the fury taking over me.

He stops at the sound of my voice, and when he turns his face to me, his eyes are arctic. "Remember when you once told me that I was obsessive?" he asks, raising a brow. "You should see yourself now," he adds mercilessly and on that note, he walks past the gate, striding along the enormous driveway of now belonging to him mansion.

I stare blanky ahead of me, stupefied, my eyes unconsciously follow his disappearing frame.

Once he makes it into the house and I can't see him anymore, the anger inside me quickly evaporates, being immediately replaced by dejection.

'I never meant it'; his words roam in my head as I start to mooch down the street, sniffling loudly as tears begin to stream down my cheeks, as hot and enervating as the Sun above me.


So? How was it? :D

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