chapter 10

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Tapping the pattern on the bricks infront of him severus waited for the wall to form into the archway, and then stepped into the busy street. As it was only the begging of the summer the alley didn't hold its usual bustle that came with the start of the school year and for that Harry was grateful.
Harry had enjoyed the two trips he had previously taken to diagon alley however he didn't like the noise. The first time he had visited the alley he had to try block out the sound of hurrying witches and wizards for a good 10 minutes before he could even begin to wallk through the crowded streets. Hagrid had thought him a rather strange boy, he had found Harry rocking in a corner the first time he saw him. Then at the entrance to the alley Harry had just stood there for 10 whole minutes with his hands covering his ears trying to block out the street. Harry had been so embarrassed he had been freaky again.
Severus carried Harry into Madame Malkins robes for all occasions the bell above the door signalling their arrival. Severus stepped up to the counter and waited for Madame Malkins to finish measuring her other customer.
Once the witch had finished she strode over to Severus and Harry.
"Professor, are you needing more teaching robes? You usually come towards the end of summer but I'm sure you have good reason to be here now. Avoiding the end of summer traffic I suspect." The witch chattered on not bothering to let the Professor answer.
"Actually Madame, I am here with Harry to get him a complete wizarding wardrobe." Severus replied  dryly, the witch gasped as if she had not seen the boy sitting on the potion Masters hip prior to him mentioning him. Severus continued pretending he had not heard the witch at all.
"If it is possible I would like him to have 2 sets of casual robes one the standard black and the other an emerald green, 2 winter cloaks again one black one green, 2 sets of dress robes and that would be one in a charcoal grey and the other in a dark blue and 3 sets of formal robes one black one blue and one green, then ofcorse the appropriate clothing to go underneath, so 3 white shirts, 2 black, two grey and 2 emerald green and then 5 pairs of black trousers and 2 pairs of charcoal trousers. And if you could please have these all equipped with the same level of protection you put on my robes and then a two year growth charm. I suppose we should probably get your school robes whilst we are here aswell so could you add a full set of hogwarts robes to that aswell, griffindoor, and the same charms as all the others. Add my teaching robes to that aswell, I trust you know what to do with those, and that will be all."
As severus listed off the many items he would need the witch to prepare for him the witches eyes grew larger, by the end her face held a beaming smile she was getting paid a lot of money today.
"Come, come, put him up here so I can get his measurements." The witch ran off to a back room before severus even had the time to tell her the boy could not stand on his own. Severus slowly placed Harry onto the platform keeping his hands under the boys arms to prevent him from falling, they only had to wait a few moments before the busy witch came bustling back onto the shop floor.
"Right then, could you move away Professor and let me do my job." The witch admonished waving her arms all about the place.
"I'm afraid not Madame, you see Harry here has sustained some injuries recently that have left him currently unable to wallk so I must stand here to prevent him from falling." Severus said hoping the witch would hurry up as he knew they didn't have long before Harry's legs would give out from underneath him.
"Oh, how awful. Yes you best stay there. I will try to be as quick as possible." And quick she was it was only about 5 minutes after they had finished there conversion that Harry was once again perched on his Professor Snape's hip. Tucking his head into severus' neck the boy moved his hands back to his mouth lightly chewing on the four fingers and closing his eyes.
Severus looked down at Harry and wondered when it had all changed, before he had found the boy on deaths door he wouldn't even do this with his godson and now he had Harry bleeding Potter perched on his hip. But as much as he loath to admit it he Severus Tobias Snape was ashamed, he had let his blind hatred for Potter senior see what he wanted to see, but finding Harry there that night, gave him the slap back to reality he realy needed. He had always loved lilly and even though she married Potter in the end, his love for her never died and he found that seeing Harry in that state and with the horrible black frames removed from his face he could see lilly, he looked so much like lilly, his hair wasn't a birds nest like Potters had once been it was more tamed and curly, it wasn't a cool brown it was almost black in colour like his grandfathers and held streaks of auburn inherent from lillys side of the family, he had lillys eyes, those beautiful emerald eyes that when you looked into them it was like a cast landscape of forest you could get lost in for hours, and he had her nose her cute little button nose. Harry wasn't like James Potter at all, he never was, and once Severus could see past that he saw a lot of himself, and after all that he knew he cared for Harry a lot.
The bell above the door broke him out of his musing and he wallked slowly up to the front desk, as to not wake the too little boy that was currently sound asleep using him as a heated pillow. Once he reached the desk the seamstress was already awaiting his arrival and her payment. He pulled out a checkbook from his trouser pocket, silently cursing himself for not remembering to transfigure their muggle clothes back into robes.
"That will be 209 galleons all together, I can have them sent to hogwarts for you like I do your teaching robes."
Severus sighed the cheque and handed it over to the witch.
"That would be most helpful, thank you."
With a sigh severus turned around and left the shop, heading straight for the leaky cauldron and by extention his quarters. He didn't mind carrying Harry and he wasn't heavy and he was small, but he had been carrying the small child all day and what little  weight the boy did have  was starting to take its toll on severus' back. He was going to need a bath when he got home.
Word count~ 1204

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