Chapter 3: Good Things

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. . . Marinette  POV . . .

;         It was a normal day, a normal week, well as normal as you can get when your class hates you, and you're a spotted superheroine. Damian and I got pizza and argued over who would pay, and as usual. He won by getting out a 20 faster than I could. There are times when I win because I got my money out beforehand. This just wasn't one of them. We ate and talked, on our way back to school. I thought it was just another day. Lila's tall tales all day in class, Damian and I read through the textbook and finished our homework. I hung out with Damian after school too, like we normally would, and he dropped me off in time for dinner like normal. Until I stepped foot inside to be met with my parent's disappointed glares.
     "Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" my mother screamed. I flinched away from her volume and tone and asked "What's wrong?" That was the wrong thing to say. "What do you mean? What is wrong?" my father demanded. My confused look just infuriated them further. They both took deep breaths and said in icy tones "Get out. You're not our daughter." After that, the tears were streaming down my face, and I managed to get out a "Why? What did I do?" This pissed them off. I fell to the floor, blinking, I realized one of them slapped me. They were listing off things I couldn't understand, but I caught one thing. Alya, Lila, and Mylene came in here and fed them these lies, and my parents believed them.

I went upstairs in a daze and packed two suitcases full of my stuff one had the miracle box, sewing machine, laptop, and other sewing stuff along with the fabrics. The other had my commissions, clothes, and other necessities. I left within half an hour and didn't look back. I walked to the park and sat down, the sky was crystal clear so far from what I felt. My phone dinged it was Jon so I asked where Damian lived. I lied and said it was a surprise. So he told me where the apartment was and I walked there In the cold night air.

           I knocked on the door and after a few seconds. He answered, he barely looked at me, before pulling me into a hug. He didn't ask. He just stood there and held me till I quieted, my sobs finally stopping. Then he let me go and grabbed my bags so he could shut the door. The apartment was pretty. It was open concept and barely decorated. I could hear the shower running, must be the brother he is living with, my brain supplied. I saw an Akuma come in, through the window. I didn't hesitate, I just transformed. In front of Damian, I caught the Akuma and, detransformed. I wanted to tell him anyway. I then went back to hugging him, of course, I needed it. A hug, someone to show that they cared.

       Soon, I completely forgot there was someone else in the apartment, and broke into tears while telling Damian what happened. He just listened while holding me, even after I was done explaining he held me tight till I stopped crying. Then knowing I needed a distraction he set up UMS 3 and let me play it, I didn't ask I just started playing which made me feel better. I focused only on the game not letting my mind wander. I finally snapped out of it and looked up when it said "new high score."

         My bags were gone, and in the kitchen stood Damian with someone else who had gone slack-jawed because I beat their high score. I knew my eyes held a question and Damian answered it with a quick nod. The person next to Damian recovered from their shock and said " Hello. I'm Richard Grayson, Demon spawn's oldest brother, but everyone calls me Dick." I then tried my best to smile and said "Marinette, nice to meet you." He must have seen my struggle to make that sound happy because he walked to me and hugged me. . .

I could hear Damian let out a small growl. Dick must have too but chose to ignore it because he just smiled down at me and said "So Blueberry, you can stay as long as you need. I have never seen little D willingly hug someone."

I started giggling, while Damian growled once more and ground out "Tt shut it Grayson." He then turned to me and said "Did you eat yet, Jamila?" I shook my head no. Dick then loudly exclaims "WHAT? Baby Bird, she is practically wasting away to nothing. You guys go out and get some food right now because I'm having the leftover pizza." he then proceeded to push us both out the door. Damian looked slightly pink as he cleared his throat to suggest a place for supper.

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