chapter 49

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Author's p.o.v

Ishq par ksi ka zor nahi chalta!
Kya pata kabhi tumhen bhi hojy!♥️

It was 4 in afternoon when Almir was working on his laptop in lounge.

Tabeer came in and sat across him on another sofa with her phone in her hand.

"Hey Almir! Pass me that bowl of almonds."
She said pointing at bowl ofalmonds which was placed in the central table.

Almir was about to jump in excitement when Arsum's voice rang I this head, "Ignore her!" And he retreated back.

" You have your hands and Alhumdulilah they work perfectly so fetch your self."
He said rolling his eyes whiel Tabeer's jaw touched her feet on his speech.

"But you are near."
She said coming out of shock.

" Is it so?"
Almir raised brow at her.

She nodded and he stood up with jolt scaring her.

"Let's see!!"
He said and ran towards small cupboard in the corner.

Tabeer was trying to figure out what the hell he was actually trying to do when he returned back with measuring tape in his hand.

"What are you doing?"
Tabeer asked confused walking towards him.

Just then Wali entered in lounge and surprisingly Ayla too came in just after him.

"What's going on?"
Wali asked pointing at measuring tape .

" Wali come here!"
Almir pulled Wali towards him and made him stand at the place where he was sitting himself previously.

"And Ayla you come here!!!"
And made Ayla sit at Tabeer's previous position.

That's when Ayla looked in front and her black eyes collided directly with honey coloured orbs of Wali.

For a moment they were lost and just another moment they were back to reality and their eyes dropped all the emotions they had a moment before.

"Look I was sitting here and she was sitting here. Lets see who was closer."
Almir said and said on floor spreading measuring tape on floor trying to measure the distance between Wali and bowl and then Ayla and bowl.

"Look the distance between you and bowl is 57cm while the distance between Ayla and bowl is 57.75cm. Soo?? Now tell me who was closer to bowl? You or me? You! So instead of asking me take it by yourself."
Almir declared seriously.

Upon listening to Ayla's jaw dropped to ground while Tabeer fell from sofa on which she was sitting at the corner.

"Go die somewhere yar!"
Wali stood up and put that measuring tape around Almirs throat and give it a light squeeze making Almir cough and went out.

Tabeer shouted glaring Wali's back and rushed towards Almir and started patting his back.

Just then Arsum came in and ran towards Almir and dragged him in the corner.

"I asked you to stay away from her and here you are being all her tailor in free fund."
Arsum slapped Almir' s head tightly making him cough more.

"Actuall..   cough... act... cough.."

"Oh ho stop acting like a corona patient.."
Arsum said rolling eyes and then realization hit him.

"Corona?? Hayeee Alllahhhhhhh!!!!"
Arsum shouted on his lungs bursting everyone's eardrums.

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