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Hey Readers! Suki Covey here.

Before you skip past this intro, scroll to the end for a happy surprise!

I'm a new author with WritersCrafts Production, so many of you may not know me, but I hope to get to know you better through this story.

As usual, here is the copy pasted version of Dusk's intro from Togetherness and About Kismet because it still holds.

"I am ecstatic that you may be reading this, or if not this, then hopefully another chapter of my Craft. That aside, if you've made the (questionable) decision of reading my book, I hope you thoroughly enjoy my characters, their humour, aka my humour, (which is honestly lacking if you ask me), and their story.

I will spare you the usual Wattpad Author spiel and cut this short: please do not copy my work, believe it or not, I did put effort into this and it was quite a draining process, so I would like my credit where it's due. If you do make the bad decision of copying my work, well you should know my daddy's a lawyer and that won't go over too well for you.

I love you, my potential readers, thank you for giving my Craft a chance, and for making me squeal out loud every time the "number of reads" goes up by 1. My sore throat will undoubtedly become a permanent fixture if you lovely beings continue showing your support by reading this book."

In terms of updating, I want to provide you guys with a happy disclaimer:

Mabel is a completed story, all that's left for me to do is upload the chapters to Wattpad! To engage you guys, I will be updating two chapters a day until I get the whole book out here!

With that being said, I hope you enjoy reading the tale of Mabel Ortega as she discovers university, friendship, love and Kai Adkins.

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