Before i go

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I open my eyes to seeing a sleeping Charlie's at my side. His arms are rapped around me i lean in and kiss his lips before carefully getting out of his arms and out of the bed to head to the bathroom to get ready and pack before my flight tonight. After i get ready and packed what ever I came here with I check on Charles to make sure i didn't wake him up. I see him still sleeping so i go to the kitchen to make some breakfast for him and i.

Just as I'm about to plate the food i feel two arms rap around me. I turn my head to see Charles with a smile on his face. "Good morning love" i say as i peck his cheek and lean into him a little. "It smells good love." "thanks I hope you like it." I set the food on the plates and put one plate down in front of him and then i take my set across from him and we dig in. "Wow this tastes amazing love." "I'm glad you like it." We talked for a while till i got a text from my tech manager.

T.M- hey y/n the plane will be here at 7pm tonight and it will take off at 8 so be at the privet air port before 7:30
Y/n- sure thing i wont be late

T.M-good see you when get to the headquarters Tomorrow for training.

"Who was that love." "Oh that was just my tack manager he says that my plane lands here at 7 and that i should be there before 7:30 because they the plane takes of at 8." "Dang do you really have to go."he says with a little frown, " unfortunately yes i have to go back home so i can do my training before the next race. And plus if i stay here you wont get any training done because you'll get distracted." "Is that so." He says as he stands up and walks towards me and leans down. "That is so" i lean up to close the gap between us and kissed him.he kissed back and picked me up and sat me down on the couch. "Ill clean the dishes." He walks off to the kitchen and dose the dishes. I lean over the back of the sofa i cross my arms and lay my head on my arms and admire Charles for the distance and think to myself, "wow how did i get so lucky to be with someone like him."

After a few minutes he finished up the dishes and put then away and walked over to the sofa and plop-ed down right next to me and pulled me closer to him. "So what do you want to do before for have to head to the airport." He says as he kisses the top of my head "can we just stay like this and watch something." "Sur thing love we can do what ever you want." I lay my head on his shoulder and he played a show (whatever show you like on Netflix)

*Time skip Y/N POV*
We finished a few movies and watched a episode of (whatever show you like to watch) and i looked at my phone, "oh man its 6:30 i should head to the airport" I say as i get up from Sofa and out of Charles grip. "Do you want me to drive you there." He says as he gets up off the sofa. "Sure it gives me more time to be with you."
Charles walks up to me and puts his hand on my cheek and caressed it and lean in and kissed me so softly.we break apart and our four heads are touching, "lets get your  luggage to my car and we can get you to the airport so your not late." "Okay" he lets goof my cheek and ii go get my luggage.

We get to the parking and I put my luggage into the car and go into the passenger door and got in. Charles got in after me and we drove to the airport.
Once we got to the airport we drove through to privet gate and drove to a f/c privet jet. Me and Charles got out of the car and got out my luggage. We walked a little bit to the plane and i turned around to face Charles. "Well this is me" it was like I was saying goodbye to him forever. Charles stepped closer to me and pulled me closer to him our foreheads touching and our lips centimeters away. I place my hand behind his head and combed my fingers in his soft hair. "I'm gonna miss y/n even though it's only 2 weeks till i see you again. But still with this little time we spent together was the best time of my life." I pull him closer and kiss him so Passionately like it was our last. We pull apart and i say "i may say something crazy but i think its worth i love you Charles." "This might be crazy but i love you too y/n." He pulled me back towards him and kiss me once again his lips feeling so soft against mine. I pull apart from him when i here someone walk up behind us. "Miss y/n the plane will be departing soon." "Okay" i say to the flight attendant. "Well I guess i should boarded onto the plane." "Call me when you land okay, so i know you got home safely." "I will I promise." I kiss his cheek and walk onto the plane and once i sat down in my seat i look out the window and waved to Charles before he got into his car, he waved back and got into his car and drove off. Then i get a text and it was Charles.

Charles- already miss you love😘

Y/n- miss you too Bubs❤️

I put away my phone and and the flight attendant walks up to me and asked if i wanted some thing to drink."ill have a water that will be fine thank you." She walks away and get the water for me then comes back and puts the water on the table in front of me. "Thank you" "your welcome miss if there's anything you want just call for me" she walks away and goes back to what she was doing.

After a while I started to watch a movie on Netflix since i had WiFi on the plane. After like a hour into the movie i started to get sleepy and it was getting cold and i press the attendant. After a second the flight attendant walks up to me, "is there anything I can do for you" "is there any chance we have a blanket on border, it's getting kinda cold in here." "A yess we do I'll be right back with that for you miss." After a Minute or two she came back she gave me a blanket and it wasn't like those thine airplane blankets they give you on the regular airplanes but yours where a thick blanket and it felt so soft when you pulled it over you, you stared to feel you eyes get heavy. You say thank you to the attendant and fall into a deep sleep. (Btw this is what the blanket looks like and this blanket I have one of these and it's comfortable)

 (Btw this is what the blanket looks like and this blanket I have one of these and it's comfortable)

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Hey guys thanks for reading this weeks update date so I'm thinking of posting ever Friday instead of doing it twice a week. Hope you guys have a good week end🙂✨.

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