Chapter 9 - Liar

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/ I miss everything about you

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/ I miss everything about you. /
- unknown

"Akira, what a nice name, it suits you really. Who would've thought you're still alive?" The woman spoke through the speakers, "I've heard that you lost your memories, don't worry. It'll be back soon enough. Let's catch up a bit, shall we? I am really surprised, how smart you are, my doll. Going to the North Blue under life-threatening injuries. No one expected you to work under a doctor, specifically a surgeon. Oh, how you hated them, I remember the first person you've killed, it was one of my surgeons, you were only 5, I was so proud of you. Hehehe, though it was under prediction that you will get away, every one of you I created is violent, do you remember? No one who stood before you survived that night. What a terrifying monster you are."

The pirates listened to the woman quietly, was everything Akira did just a lie? But she did lose her memories, right? She didn't mean it.

"Do it." The woman said and the teenager who stood beside Akira moved, pushing a small cart over. There was a little box on the cart, the teenager opened it, revealing two syringes inside. He grabbed one of them before gripping on Akira's hair, tilting her head to one side and revealing her neck. Akira tried to struggle, but it was no use, the needle buried deeply inside her neck, after all the liquid has been injected inside her neck, the teenager pulled the needle out threw it on the floor.

Blood started pouring from Akira's nose and mouth, staining her face and shirt. The crew's heart tightened at the sight.

"Hehe, are the memories coming back? I'm glad you made it here on time, you would've died if you were late by another month." The woman chuckled as she looked at the brain CT projected in front of her from the machine behind Akira. "Now, for the other shot."

The teenager grabbed the other syringe and injected it into Akira's neck again, but this time, she did not struggle, maybe it was because she was still proceeding with her past. 

"This thing will keep you alive, but you'll need it every month. If you don't take it, then your symptoms will increase and you'll die. So, how do you feel now? Different right?"

There was a little bit of silence before Akira responded

"Woah, that surely worked better than I've thought it would." Akira's lips slowly formed into a smile. The woman's smirk slowly disappeared as she sensed something wrong. The crew frowned at Akira's words. "Hello professor, it's been a while." She then looked up, to the light and speakers. Then the light flickered, the speakers let out a loud screeching sound, the electrics in the control room let out small explosions one by one. Scaring the professor and the uniformed men.

The next time they look up, the teenager was dropped dead on the ground. Akira stood there with the boy's gun, smiling at them. She shot the fire sprinklers, letting out water and smoke, the professor jumped again, looking back up, Akira disappeared. The professor looked up the tiled room's ceiling, noticing a big hole.


A loud thump was heard from the control room's ceiling, it happened another few times before a part of the ceiling collapsed. Revealing the girl who just jumped down, she had the gun pointed at the professor while the professor tried to not panic.


"To tell you the truth, I've already known that you had a solution. I never forgot anything, how can I? How can I forget the hell I've experienced here?"

"Bitch! Y-you can't do this!" She screamed, "I created you! I gave you your looks, I gave you your strength, I gave you your speed, and I gave you your intelligence. You shouldn't raise a gun at your mother!"

"Mother? I don't remember you giving birth to me, but thank you for changing me." Akira spoke sarcastically, she rubbed her neck with her free hand. "That solution felt good, but I need a permanent one. You have one, don't you?"

"H-how did you know..."


In the brothel

"I don't know where it's located exactly, but I do know that she has one in her base." The woman with revealing clothing said, smoking her cigarette.

"Tsk, what a cruel sister you are. Ratting out your family."

"Well, what can I do? She never saw me as her family, I will destroy her." The woman gritted her teeth, the kind blew through the window, blowing her long bangs away from her face, revealing a long, nasty, scar that ran from her forehead to under her right ear.


"That bitch! I should've just killed her." The professor gritted her teeth before looking at the uniformed men, they nodded and pointed their guns at the pirates, "but too bad, if you want them to live, you'll have to listen to me." The professor tried to smile, thinking that she's getting the situation under control. Akira scoffed and let out small chuckles before looking back at the professor, giving her the 'lmao are you dumb?' look.

"Ha, y-you really- oh god," She said between the chuckles, "you're really threatening me with my tools that I probably won't use anymore?"

The professor's eyes widen before stumbling back

"Well, my original plan was for them to get me to that dumb bird, but I guess that won't happen anymore." She glanced at the captain, who's also looking back at her. She couldn't quite understand the emotion hidden under his gaze. "But one thing I definitely need, is that permanent solution, would you mind lead me a bit?"

The professor tried to run, but Akira shot her in the leg. She let out a cry before clutching on her leg that has been shot. Seeing this, the men pointed their guns at Akira but got wiped out in a matter of seconds. The crew would be lying if they say that they're not scared, it was probably the first time they've seen Akira like this, she's just like a black mamba, fast and deadly.

"Now, let's go, y'all we?" Akira 'asked' the professor before dragging her by her feet, earning a painful cry from the woman.


Akira was walking through one of the hallways, dragging the professor with her when the teenager named Daniel attacked her. Punching her through an opened door with his speed and strength. Akira looked up at him and smiled,

"Woah, you've gotten stronger I see." 

"Tsk, fucking bitch. I'll kill you today."

"You can try~" Akira quickly got up and pinned him on the wall, gripping on his neck. It was too fast, he barely even caught the movement

"Bitch." He raised his hand and aimed for her neck. But was stopped midway

"Still too slow." She shook her head in disapproval before throwing him on the opposite wall, cracking it.

The crew cannot see what is going on anymore, they can only hear fists meeting the wall and the sound of wind generated by the movements. It was only a moment when the non-bountied crew heard and saw the metal door locking them up getting bent by a body being thrown on it. A part of them wished the door broke so they could get out, but another part of them hoped that the door won't break, so they're not caught in the fight.

While in the control room, the wall was busted open and Daniel flew in. Law swore that boy's head would've gotten cracked open if his had just landed a little bit to the left. Akira has gotten in with a gun, shooting at Daniel while he made a metal closet float in front of him using his power, shielding himself from the bullets. On the other hand, the bountied crew prayed silently for them to not get shot by a stray bullet.

And fortunately for them, the two moved out of the room and returned to the hallway.

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