Chapter 3: Ron

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I had kept the child on the sofa. The black thing coming from his nose had dropped on my hand. Maybe I am not so different from Dr. Karl.
Yes, and it did sting like a bee. But hey it's okay if you don't follow protocol in a life or death situation. The boy could die. I washed my hands thoroughly with soap and water and applied antiseptic cream.

The kid was shivering. I took out a blanket from my closet and covered him with it.

"You shouldn't have helped me!" he said as he began to cry.
"Hey! Hey! sweetheart" I tried to hug him but the child refused to even touch me.

"I am bad and I can kill you with my diseases"

I wiped his tears and said "You aren't bad sweety. And don't worry you won't infect me. I don't belong from here and this disease would not kill me okay?"

The child had mud all over his clothes and body. It looked like he had been running for days with no proper food or shelter. He still looked terrified but was a bit relaxed after my words.

"Why don't we get you a nice hot bath?" I asked him using the best baby voice I could ever come up with. I didn't want the child to be scared.

"But bad people will burn me now"  My heart broke listening to his words. How cruel could these people be?

"Nobody is going to hurt you here and that is a promise." I said in a bold voice.

Even though I was a helpless weakling in this new place I was determined to save this innocent soul. I was an orphan. My foster parents found me by the side of a road. I feel a kind of connection to this child. Maybe because once in my life I was as helpless as him.

"Now what do you say about the bath we discussed?"

"But I don't like hot water!" he said with a frown.

"And what about cold water? Would that do fine?" He smiled and clapped his hands.

I took him to the bathroom and turned on a cold bath.
"Do you want me to help you bathe or can you do it on your own?"

He looked confused for a minute and then we agreed that he would call me if he needs anything. I fetched him a towel and one of my t-shirt and shorts. I hope it's not too big for him.

I decided to make egg sandwiches as our dinner. He walked to the kitchen in my old t-shirt. How adorable is he? Hey..come here I picked him up and made him sit on the kitchen top.

"Do you like eggs?"
"Veerrrryyyy much" he spread his arms. I smiled at him and served him a plate. He looks very hungry.

I have no idea what am I going to do next but I am not leaving him here to die. Should I ask him about his family? Would his parents be looking for him? Karl said the people here blindly follow the king. I don't want to hurt this kid more. He has already been through enough for today. Maybe I'll ask him sometime else.

After eating I helped him get clean and did the dishes. Meanwhile, he sat on the sofa doing nothing but wiping his nose. I went and sat beside him

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Ron" he said with a smile.

"That's a pretty name.
I am Niya why don't you go to sleep dear it's night already."

He looked scared.
"Don't worry I would be just in the next room"  he looked reassured.

I then picked him up and put him to bed and then went to bed myself. I tried sleeping but my worries wouldn't let me. Last night I was worried about my first day and here I am on the second day with a child who I am determined to protect from a troop of people trying to burn him, the king, and his so-called rules and last but not the least my work.

I have to put up with those people. Besides the whole point about moving here was to learn more and help people with my research.  I closed my eyes thinking about what would be next on my plate and drifted to sleep.

"Nooooo noooooo don't kill me.. Mother no no.."
I woke up to the sound of Ron crying. I ran to his bedroom and hugged him.

"It's okay.. it's okay.. no one is going to hurt you baby. Come here." He clung for his life on me.
"You had a bad dream?" he didn't say anything just held me tighter

"Do you miss your mother? You want me to take you to her?"
"She will kill me" he sobbed. I was shocked.

"She told the guards that I should be burnt. If you take me to her she will burn me" he started crying more and more with each word.

I just hugged him and said nothing. I have no words. Even though I was an orphan my adoptive parents did love me like their own. 

"Ok, I am not going to take you anywhere.. fine now? You will stay with me forever. I promise"

He just slept with his head on my lap. After about 5 minutes he was in deep sleep I tried to go back to my bed but he held my hand. I decided to sleep in his bedroom so that he doesn't wake up scared again.

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