The Time of Their Lives

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Their fun only lasted a little while, but they emerged from the water dripping wet with big smiles plastered on their faces. They both took off their soaking shoes and sat with their legs dangling over the edge.

“I was just bombarded with all of this pressure about how things have changed too much and I know that this will be the biggest change of all.” She sighed. “I really care about you Draco, I just got scared that no one else would understand it.” She looked down at her legs. “They’ll never understand it I’m afraid.”

Draco could see it now. He knew what it meant to be afraid of how people would react. He would never admit it but he was scared that his parents or Pansy or some of the others that frequented his house during the last three years would find out and come after him, or worse, her. He hadn’t really thought about that last bit much, but now that he has it will be the thing he worries about most.

And then he understood what Hermione meant. She wasn’t scared of their reactions, she was scared of losing them. She was scared of losing everything that she cared about.

So was he. Was it worth it to risk her life for the sake of maybe being happy for a while? He had to believe that it was. And she would never let him leave because he was worried about her safety.

So he understood, because he finally had something to lose. Finally he had something in his life that he would be lost without. He had something that he was so scared to let go in case he never got it back and the thought of her slipping through his fingers was terrifying, but he finally got it.

He reached up and put his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. He hated the fact that she had so many people that she was scared to lose that it made her question the way she felt about him. He was absolutely fuming inside.

But it wasn’t spite, it was jealousy. How long had he ached for someone to share his life with in more than just the way he does with her? He could never truly be himself with his ‘friends’. She didn’t even realise just how lucky she was to have it all.

In his eyes, she had everything. Maybe that was why he had hated her so much before it all. She had friends who were loyal to a fault, she was capable of love and she could separate her family life from her problems here in the wizarding world.

She had everything and he had always felt like he had nothing. He was on a winding path down a road that he thought he knew, until he passed the point where he couldn’t turn back. He hated it.

But because he cared about her, he swallowed his anger and jealousy and tried not to pick a fight with her, not now.

“I know.” He said finally.

“I shouldn’t have let that get in our way. I guess it was my turn to turn the cold shoulder.” She looked up at him with a small smile.

He snorted. He had been a little hot and cold with her early on. “I wasn’t that bad.”

This time she laughed loudly and leant over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You were an absolute mind bender.” She kissed him again before taking her legs out of the bath and walking over to where her bag had dropped.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat