New Reader Insert Announcement

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Hey, everyone!
Thanks for reading my book, I really hoped you enjoyed it! I always love reading the comments that you guys leave, they're so funny! Another thank you to everyone that leaves constructive criticism, I always take it into account so I can write better books for you guys.

Speaking of better books, I released a new book and it's a Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa story! If you guys have seen TBHK or think you would like the story you should give it a try! And it's okay if you don't want to, thank you for reading this story anyway <3

Speaking of better books, I released a new book and it's a Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa story! If you guys have seen TBHK or think you would like the story you should give it a try! And it's okay if you don't want to, thank you for reading this story...

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Once again, thanks for reading and I love each and everyone of you and appreciate all of your support! I hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are! See you later <3


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