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It took me a few moments to recover from what just happened. Whatever just happened threw me for a loop. I didn't get a long look at what was on her torso to even say for sure what I saw. To me I think it might have been from a burn but then again I don't know. I took a few moments and looked over at Cassie's door again. I could hear the music pumping out of the room now and I don't think she will be making an appearance tonight. Looking around the kitchen I didn't really have much of an appetite anymore but I knew I needed to eat something after that practice session.

So I went simple, some seasoned chicken breast with rice and green beans. I made enough to make a plate for Cassie. When I was done cooking, I brought a plate over to Cassie's door and knocked to let her know that I made some food for her for dinner. I forced myself to eat and cleaned up the mess when I was done. After everything was cleaned up I retired to my room for the night.

I made sure I had everything I needed for classes tomorrow before crawling into bed and calling it a night. When I woke up the next morning I sighed and got out of bed. I got everything I needed for my shower and opened my door. Listening for a moment I didn't hear anything coming from Cassie's room. I tried not to think about it too much during my shower but it was hard not to.

After I was done in the bathroom I got dressed in a black t-shirt and threw on my Wisconsin women's ice hockey sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. Today is my first day of classes, I shouldn't be letting what happened with Cassie distract me. Once I was dressed I grabbed my backpack and phone and left my room. When I got to the kitchen I found a glass with a smoothie in it and an omelet waiting for me. I sat down at the table and saw a post-it note stuck to the glass. Sorry about last night, hope this makes up for it. ~Cassie.

I put the note down and tucked into the waiting food. It was still warm so I'm guessing Cassie didn't leave that long ago. It didn't take me long to devour the omelet and I took most of the smoothie to go as I thought I was cutting it short on time to get to my first class of the day.

My first class is microeconomics, just what I wanted at 9am on Monday mornings. It took me about ten minutes to walk to the building my class was in and I found the classroom pretty easily. I took a seat in an open desk and pulled out my notebook and a pen. Just as I pulled out my phone to make sure it was on silent I heard someone drop their bag on the floor next to me.

"Thank god you are in this class with me." Rebecca said and fell into the desk just on my right.

"Good morning too you too Rebecca." I chuckled and took a sip of the smoothie.

"Becca is plenty fine McKenna." Becca said and snapped open a can of Red Bull.

"Seriously? It's barely 9 in the morning." I said.

"I ran out of time to get a coffee so Red Bull it is." Becca said grabbed her laptop from her bag.

We didn't really get to chat much longer as our professor walked in then and wanted to start class. Our professor seemed really into getting class started and after letting us review the syllabus for five minutes before he started right into his first lesson. I was able to follow everything that he was saying pretty easily and took a few notes. It took Becca's Red Bull about 15 minutes to kick in but once it did, it looked like the girl was able to take some notes.

Even though our professor wanted to teach on the first day, his lesson wasn't long and he ended up letting us go about twenty minutes early. After we left the classroom Becca left right away to go get a coffee and something for breakfast before her next class started. Since I had some time before my next class I thought now would be a good time to try and find the library.

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