❥8: Meeting New People

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*unedited* please kindly point out any errors if you see them!

So I've been feeling kinda uninspired lately... Sorry. Plus I just moved houses (which sucks) so I've been packing and unpacking boxes for what feels like centuries. But hey, I did finally create a chapter as promised! Enjoy! xx

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"Hey... Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked. "Oh, and yeah, my name's Nick." He smiled. God, that smile...

"Yeah, I think we have a class together at Stanford. My name's Jess." I looked up at him.

"Foreign language, right?" He said as his eyes lit up in recognition.

"Yup," I responded, popping the 'p'.

"Cool, cool... Well I've gotta run--Can't keep the girlfriend waiting around for her coffee, can we? See you around, Jess," he chuckled and grinned again before heading out.

He has a girlfriend? Ugh, why do all the nice guys have to be already taken?!
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It was 10:00 in the morning as I paced around my room, contemplating about that boy from the coffee shop. Why did all the good ones have girlfriends already? And why couldn't any of these girlfriends be me?

I made my way downstairs and grabbed a granola bar on the go, heading out the door and into my car. Speeding off to Stanford, I remembered that I had Foreign Language class first today. Well greeaaat.

I stepped into the classroom a few minutes early, grabbing a seat near the back. I looked up quickly and saw Nick walking into the room. He caught my eye, then walked over and plopped down next to me.

"What's up?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Absolutely nothing. You?" I grinned.

"Same, same." He responded. "Here, hand me your phone," he held his hand out and I forked it over. He quickly punched his number into my contacts list, taking a goofy picture for his contact in the process. He then texted himself so he got mine number as well.

"Thanks," I grinned.

He speedily held up his phone and snapped a photo of me before I even knew what was happening, and I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"For your contact," he grinned back as he typed away in his iPhone.

I looked over Nick's shoulder for only a moment and caught sight of yet another very attractive male. Well, that was until he walked over and spit into the teacher's coffee whilst the teacher was writing on the board. When a too-innocent-looking girl opened her mouth to speak up, he just flipped her off, grunting in annoyance.

Well, what a total asshole!

He was definitely not a small person, that's for sure; he was totally built and probably around 6'1", walking around as if he owned the place. But the worst part was, he seemed to be walking towards me, raising an eyebrow questioningly as my jaw practically dropped down to the floor.

I began mentally freaking out as the mysterious guy got closer. What did he want with me? Did I do something wrong? Holy shit back away from me dude!

He then walked on over and plopped in the seat next to Nick. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized he wasn't coming over to me. Not that he actually had a legit reason to walk towards me in the first place, but whatever.

"Hey Nick, sup?" Mystery boy turned towards Nick as he slouched back into his seat, face void of emotion. I guess they were friends?

Nick cleared his throat before saying: "I made a new friend!" in a dramatic high pitched voice, clapping his hands excitingly. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a questioning look, causing him to erupt in laughter and mystery boy a light chuckle. Hey, at least he wasn't a satan-child after all, I mean, he did just laugh... sort of.

"Hi..." I said with a smile smile, "I'm Jessie."

"Jace." mystery boy smirked.

"Isn't that short for--"

"No. It's just Jace." he said in a final tone, and decided it was best not to question further.

It came to my attention that two very attractive dudes were now sitting to my right. Sure, the ladder came off as kinda an asshole, but hey, he was... well, hot.

"Class, open up to page 326 in your textbooks please!" Our teacher called from his desk.
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"You've never seen the movie Anchorman?!" Nick practically screeched and I shook my head with a guilty smile.

"It's not that I didn't want to, its just--"

"7 o'clock. My place. We will watch that damn movie!" Nick cheered and pumped his fist into the air, earning him a few strange looks from other people in the hallway. It was funny how I'd known him for barely 2 days, and we already talked like old friends. I guess some people just clicked, you know?

Nick, Jace, and I had continued chatting throughout class until it finished. As it turned out, Jace wasn't half bad! From what I gathered, he was moody and short-tempered, but he could definitely crack a good joke.

"So, wait, do you stay in the dorms?" I asked Nick.

"An on-campus apartment. The Mirrielees--just tell the lady at the front desk you're visiting me and she'll show you the way. She knows me," Jace winked. "Oh, and I almost forgot," he turned towards Jace and nudged him, "this big guy here is my roommate!"

"Cool, see you at 7?" I asked, slowly walking away towards my next class.

"7 it is." Nick confirmed.
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A/N: So what do you think of Jace, eh? By the way, "Jace" is a common nickname for "Jason", which is why Jessie was curious--maybe he and the other Jason have the same name. (You know, Jason, the one who moved to NY a few chapters ago? Yeah, like that one). Thanks for reading, lovelies!

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