Bonus Chapter Two

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For those who thought it to be a tragic ending, no it's not going to be like that.
I personally hate sad endings.

Btw, I forgot to ask about the cover.
How is it?

A quick question : What was your weight when you were born? (No pun intended)
Because, I've never met someone who weighed more than me as a newborn.
I weighed 4kg and I've heard how much problem my mother had carrying me.

Go on and enjoy.

Don't forget to do inline comments.

– D I V Y A –

Pacing inside our room, I gazed my surroundings and sighed. Bunch of idiots!

I thought that Ayaan would've changed a little, but he's still the same. Childish!

Eight months ago when I gave birth to the triplets, I was unconscious for three days straight, as everyone told me. But the most surprising thing was what mom told me.

As per what she said, Ayaan was crying all the time when I was not in my senses. But, when I asked him, he always denied it saying that men never cry. His so-called male ego!

His grown beard and dark circles were a big fat proof of his lie!

As for our newborns, Natasha was the one who took their responsibility. That's the reason she's always more than a friend to me.

Walking towards the bathroom, I opened the door and mentally banged my head on wall after watching the scene going inside.

Armaan, our eldest son was clinging on Ayaan's side, who was standing near the toilet for God knows what reason.

Ehaan, the second in line, was sitting in the washbasin filled with water and was enjoying splashing water.

And Nirvaan, our youngest child was busy sleeping in his empty bathtub. He's always lazy.

But wait a minute!

What are they doing here?

Shouldn't they have been in the room, sleeping or playing?

I gave the duty of handling them to Ayaan, who in turn was busy with them in some another world!

He just turned thirty-two three months ago, but is still a child!



"What's going on here? I was busy with Aanya and told you to look upon them. But here you're in the bathroom!" I yelled and walked towards Ehaan. I pulled him out of the sink while he made a grumpy face, because he loves water and I was being the villian between them. "Who told you to make him sit here, inside the sink? What if he catches cold?"

"Just chill. It's summer and he isn't going to catch cold. Besides, he love water."

"What's going on with Armaan?"

"I'm teaching him how to pee properly."


"Hmm... They're growing and they need to learn how to do it while standing. They just can't wet their clothes all the time." He said and I looked towards them. Armaan was standing in air, with Ayaan carrying all his weight from back.

My poor child!

Making Ehaan sit back in the sink, I walked to Nirvaan and picked him up. Walking out, I made him lie on the bed and bordered it with cushions.

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