Chapter 9- Messed up

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Thank you guys so much for 1k views!<3

So here's a double update since I love y'all.

「 Harry 」

"I swear to fuck, if you don't do it Harry" He says, in the most disgusting tone. But he looked calm as ever, making me want to punch him in his ugly face.

I don't get it.

"Why her?!" I growl, standing up. He takes a sip from his bourbon, calmly. While I was getting railed up.

"It's an order"

"No the fuck it's not" I grit my teeth, clenching my fists. He narrows his eyes at me.

"Son, you may be the boss of that little kindergarten. But you know how powerful I am. Sure you're powerful but remember what I can do" he smirks, knowing the control he has over others. I scoff, running a hand through my hair.

"I'll give you a year or two, to finish the job. But it better be fucking done" he gives me a evil smile, before I know it I grab the chair I was previously sitting on and throw it against the wall with so much force, it breaks in pieces while Dallas just looks at my range in amusement.

I give him one last glare before storming out.

Mila, Mila, Mila.

I want Mila. Now.

I pick my phone up, to call her once I'm seated in my car, after some time it goes to voicemail, just adding to my range.


I speed to her home, not wanting to wait longer.

I need to hold her.

I fucking hate to admit it, but she's the only one who can lift my mood.

I unlock the door, since Mila gave me a key after some time and I gave her one for my home

I walk to her room. But before I can open the door, I hear Stephanie's voice.

I wish I was deaf.

"She isn't home" she rolls her eyes but changes her behavior once she sees the state I'm in.

"Where the fuck is she?" I nearly growl, her eyes widen and I step closer to her.

"S-she's at work" she stutterers, like a fucking idiot.

"It's twelve" I grumble, not happy she's out that late, alone.

She doesn't have a car, she takes her bike and her workplace is a good twenty minutes with her bike. I clench my jaw.

"When did she leave?"

"Like an hour ago" she doesn't dare to look up. She's afraid, which gives me satisfaction.

"Fucking hell" I roar. I push her out the way and get in my car, speeding again to her work.

I enter the building and make my way to her office. The receptionist just looks at me, not daring to asks me anything.

I go up to her office, her head not visible due to the computer screen. I finally reach her, she looks up, a smile growing on her face.


"Harry" she smiles, standing up. Her smile drops seeing my mood, she tilts her head at me and I sigh.

"You look like you need a hug" she whispers, before wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. She barely reaches, since she's so tiny. So I bend down a little, wrapping my arms around her small waist, sighing into her neck.

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