Chapter 34

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"Do you think he is going to mark her?"

I do not know why it bothers me so much, but it does. It feels so wrong.

Getting up off the floor, I want to take a shower. I hate the feeling of throwing up so Jessica walked me upstairs.

I turned the water on and started to get undressed while Jessica picked out my sweats and a tee shirt.

We are so close it doesn't bother me that she walked into the bathroom while I'm naked.

I opened the shower door and got in. The feeling of the hot water hitting my skin feels so soothing. I stood there and let the water hit the top of my head and run down my body for a while before getting the soap and washing.

I still am overwhelmed with what the doctor told me. I cannot imagine the thought of terminating my pregnancy or the thought of choosing one of the two to terminate.

I cannot do it. I do not care how small they are right now, they are mine. Seeing them on the monitor during the ultrasound and hearing their heartbeats did it for me. The immediate feeling of love and protection hit me.

I am keeping my babies. It might be a hard pregnancy, but I am strong. I will fight. I am not going anywhere. I have three children I must be here for.

That is it. My decision has been made. I am going through with this pregnancy.

Getting out of the shower and wrapping a fluffy white towel around my body. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my clothes and put them on. Slipping my slides on my feet, I go downstairs. Everyone was there except Jaxson and Becca. They must have left for dinner already.

The dinner was in the oven, so we all sat in the living room and waited. There was some tension in the air, but I am not exactly sure why but I am sure it has something to do with Becca. Always does.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Everyone got quiet and looked at me. I walked around and sat on the couch besides Jessica. Alena was on the floor playing. Emily and Jake were on the love seat and Thomas was sitting in the chair on the other side.

"I heard you are expecting. Congratulations!" Jake said.

"Thank you."

"Alessia we need to talk to you about something. " Jessica said. She turned towards me and grabbed both my hands. I got nervous and slowly nodded my head.

"There is something that you need to know. We should have told you sooner but after the doctor's appointment today, we feel like we have to tell you now." She paused before continuing.

"Remember what we told you about mates? Well when you came here, Jaxson found out you were his mate."

I just sat there; I did not know what to say. I looked around to see if maybe she was joking with me, but everyone's face looked dead serious.

"What are you talking about? Why are you telling me now?" I asked

"Because today the doctor told you about the risks of having these babies, your chances are better if he claims you. It will make you stronger." Emily said.

"Wait, so Jaxson knew I was his mate and still decided to be with Becca? That is why I feel the way I feel about him. So, you're saying, he rejected me and all of you knew about it?!" I said. My voice got louder towards the end.

I looked at Jessica, she is supposed to be my best friend and she kept this from me.

"You knew and didn't tell me." I whispered. The amount of betrayal I felt at this moment was beyond words. I felt the tears running down my face. How could they do this?

"Alessia we love you, we never wanted to keep this from you. When we found out, Jaxson didn't want anyone to say anything..." Jessica said but I cut her off.


I jumped up off the couch and ran to my room. I did not want to be around any of them.

I slammed the door shut and threw myself on the bed. I curled up and cried my eyes out. I cried so hard that at times, nothing came out. Other times I cried so loud; I am sure they were able to hear me downstairs. The pain was unbearable.

In the midst of my breakdown, I was replaying every little detail since being here. All the times they lied to me. All the times Jaxson stood in my face and said nothing. All the fucking shit I went through with Becca. All the games he played.

My pain started turning into anger. I wanted Jaxson to pay for what he did to me. I wanted everyone that lied to me to suffer. I wanted to hurt them as bad as they hurt me.

I do not know how long I was in my room for, but I got hungry. I went downstairs because I had to feed my babies. They were what mattered.

I got off my bed and went into the bathroom to wash my face. I looked in the mirror, I looked like shit. My eyes were puffy. My face was all red. I did not care.

I went downstairs, and everyone was still sitting in the living room. They all just got quiet and stared at me. I did not even look at them. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed my food. I put meatloaf and mashed potatoes with vegetables on my plate. I grabbed a bottle of water and walked back upstairs, still not looking at them.

Coming back into my room. I put a sweater on and went to sit on the balcony.

The fresh cool air felt good. I finally feel like I can breathe. I ate my food slowly to make sure I kept it down. I need all the strength I can get.

There was no way in hell I was letting Jaxson mark me even though he made it clear that he did not want to. Even the one time he tried; it was clear that it was not what he wanted. It was only his wolf.

I remember when Emily told me that a wolf desperately wants its mate and will fight its human to be close with them.

So basically every time something happened between us, I was having relations with his wolf not him. He was all for being with Becca.

I was almost done eating when I saw Jaxson's car pull up in the driveway. Becca and he got out and walked to the front door. She was smiling but I could not read him. His face was emotionless.

Now it is time to have a chat with my mate.

***sorry, I had to do it. I know everyone is going to kill me😁😁

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