Title & the Story

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Affirmations are just the first step. Now we must make sure our story matches the title or affirmation.

Examples of This:
The titles of my stories are "I am in a happy relationship", "Everything always works out in my favor", "I am a millionaire", "I am a master manifestor." Now here are the stories I tell about each.

SP Affirmation

"I am in a happy relationship with (SP's name)"

The New Story

I feel so loved and respected by my SP. My SP is head-over-heels for me. I'm the only one who my SP desires to be with. We're such an amazing couple. We trust each other. We are happy together. We make each other feel special. We're always hanging out together. We're always going out on dates. My SP truly cherishes me. 
I trust that my SP is faithful to me. I am irresistible to my SP. My SP always makes time for me. I feel at peace now that I am in a relationship with my SP. I am peacefully married to my SP. 

 If you and your SP have different personalities or views, you feel as if you're not good enough, not smart enough, not attractive, or too different. And you feel as if your SP isn't going to want you because of that. Tell yourself that you are more than worthy and you are more than good enough. Use this affirmation, "I am (SP's name) perfect contrast." Know that even though the both of you are very different, you are still perfect for each other in every way. Where he/she is weak, you are strong (Vice-versa). The both of you are two perfect puzzle pieces.

Movement Affirmation

"Everything is working out in my favor"

The New Story

Everything works out in favor. Everything in my life is perfect. Everything always works out best case scenario. I see evidence of all of my desires (manifesting). There is always movement. Nothing can stop my manifestations. Someway, somehow I'm still getting what I want. Someway, somehow everything is working out for me. I am a master at manifesting. I have full trust in the Universe and myself.  

Money Affirmation

"I am a millionaire"

The New Story

I am wealthy. I have millions (billions, trillions) of dollars in my bank account. I have more than $10,000,000. I can buy whatever I want when I want. I love looking at my bank account. I always have more than enough money. I'm a money magnet. I have an abundance of money. I'm never stressed about money. My business is booming. Money always comes to me from all sources. Abundance surrounds my life. My closet is full of designer clothes. I eat at the finest restaurants. I drive a Rolls-Royce Wraith. I am the wealthiest person on earth. I am very successful in everything I do. I live a life where money is always there.

Master Manifestor Affirmation

"I am a master manifestor"

The New Story

I'm a master at manifesting. All my desires manifest instantly. I get everything I want and more. Everything always works out in my favor. Everything always works out best case scenario. Someway, somehow I always get what I want. Everything comes to me quickly and easily. Manifesting is so simple. Manifesting is so easy for me. I'm a king (queen). I am the god (goddess) of my reality. What I say always happens. My reality always wins. No one has free will in my reality. I understand all the concepts of manifesting. 

Appearance Affirmation

"I am beautiful/I am handsome/I am sexy"

The New Story

I love myself as I am. I am the sexiest person in the world. I am the most beautiful person in the world. I am the most handsome person in the world. I'm always getting compliments on my looks. I have the sexiest body in the world. I am captivating. I love looking in the mirror. I have the perfect body. I have perfect teeth. My face is perfect. My skin is clear. People I want to date find me irresistible.  I love my new body. I love looking in the mirror. I find myself beautiful (handsome, sexy). 

Get Specific With Your New Story

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