Epilogue ~One

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Rising Phoenix


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Epilogue : One

Epilogue : One

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6 years later...


Khushi's Apartment...

Khushi was watching her favourite TV serial in a Saturday night... Khushi was feeling restless since morning.. Her mind continuously drifing towards Arnav's thought...and that is making her annoyed as well as somewhere scare..

Something is going to happen ...

It's been 6 years from that eventful night.. that night when Arnav came to know about Kushav being his son.. Khushi remember the heated confrontation between her and Arnav's .. How Arnav was all set to drag her to the court for Kushav's custody...but then when Khushi revealed about Arshi's truth Arnav became unusual queit... then Arnav left her apartment just muttering a "SORRY"...

That night Khushi was too upsate to ponder over anything... but with her emotional turmoil setteled down she realized that she is feeling light.. After venting dwn her years pented up anger and trauma, she is feeling better.. and one more thing, Khushi accepted that whatever she told Arnav was all right except one thing... To tag him as " MURDERER"...

Khushi knew Arnav was responsible every other thing but not the death of Arshi... Definitely, Arnav is indirectly responsible but the main reason of Arshi's death was she, HERSELF... her weakness.. her inability to accept the truth of her life.. That Arnav and she are no more together, that Arnav had betrayed her.. instead of choosing her own self or her children, that day, Khushi had choose Arnav an that's why the accident...

Khushi thought she will talk with Arnav regarding particular this matter the next day but there was a surprise waiting for her...Next day when she went to Verma Industry in the morning, she came to a surprising news.. Arnav left to Delhi.. On behafe of AR Industry, Aman Mathur will continue the project.. Khushi was literally shocked...

Khushi was very confused and shocked due to Arnav's sudden departure but all her confusion vanished when Arnav called her that evening... To her extreme surprise, Arnav said sorry and requested her to give permission to meet Kushav for once.. Khushi did not say her decision immediately but took her time..For few days she thought may be this is a new game plan of Arnav to trap her but with passing time, Khushi's assumption changed as Arnav never bothered her to forgive her but every day she used to get a message requesting her to give permission to meet Kushav...

Finally, Khushi took a very bold decision of her life, that is allowing Arnav to meet Kushav.. Khushi was sure that Arnav does not deserve Kushav but Kushav deserves father's love.. Though she did not REVEAL Arnav's true identity to Kushav, but she was prepared that Arnav will do that.. but Khushi's uttered surprise , Arnav never revealed his true identity to Kushav..

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