Sharp As A Knife.

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Now of course, I had absolutely no clue where Maisy Dane was. But even faux knowledge is power. So I pushed on- pretending to know exactly where Jack Napier would hide within Gotham. I convinced Dane to untether me from the bed. I'm sitting up now and he's in a chair just beside me.

"You see, Jack was always talking about this comedy club in the heart of Gotham. His dream was to buy the apartment right above it- find a woman and settle down. But he's a little more twisted-"

"How do you expect me to trust you?"
He growls.

"Well you don't have too."
I settle on.

"I'll give you the information- you decide what to do with it."

Information is never free.

Dane chews over my words for a moment then looks up at me.

"Alright then you know where he is?"
He took the bait. Now to get into his head.

I go to answer- to take control- when suddenly a pain splits through my head. Blinding. It stabs into my cranium; sharp as a knife and I cry out.

Dane stands up instantly and puts his hand on his holster.

My eyes flash white, my vision leaving and returning in cycles. The pain increases rapidly.

The guard's voice echos within my head.

He rushes out for a moment and through the blur of pain I see the blonde haired doctor frantically enter my room.

"Dr. Crane?"
She asks in a thick New York accent.

I grab my skull and try to deal with the pain- try to manage- but I've never felt worse.

The woman's hands press on my chest and push me onto the bed.

She asks.

She grasps her radio and mumbles something into it- some code I had never bothered to learn.

Then the world fades into nothing.

I wake up with an IV bag tucked into my elbow crease and a stats machine hooked to my vitals. The rhythmic beeping wakes me up and I go to look around, but I see nothing. I see only light, I see a shadow moving and I hear a voice.

"He seemed to have some pre-existing conditions laying dormant."
Says a voice that I don't recognize.

"Is he gonna be okay docta?"

"He needs treatment. Whatever drug that was stopping the pain and bleeding seemed to have worn off-"

I didn't take a single drug. I woke up in the van three days ago, my hair caked with blood with absolutely no pain. I was fine- I was-


She must've healed me, my injury must've triggered her meta-abilities.

She chose to heal me after everything I put her through?

"It seems whatever blunt trauma occurred to his head affected the optic pathways and resulted in a homonymous visual field defect or possibly a bilateral visual loss."

The female doctor hums a response.

That patient with a crowbar fucking blinded me?

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