Chapter 21

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The door opened and a large figure walked into the room. He shut the door behind him and turned around...


Dante. I couldn't see him properly but I knew it was him by the body shape. His figure moved towards the couch as he placed his blazer down on it. My red eyes watched his movements waiting for him to yell. Waiting for him glare. To talk. To argue. 

But he did none of that. 

He walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him making me jump at the sudden sound. The silence returned again as well as the fear and sadness.

What is he going to say to me?

What is he going to do? 

These questions were stuck in my head from the moment I had gotten into the car. This is going to be so difficult.

I mean it wasn't my fault. I can't control men. A shiver went down my arm remembering his touch. 

Dante walked out of the bathroom still without glancing at me. He wore his boxers with his torso shirtless. 

I still sat against the bed as I watched him tuck himself into the bed and turn his back to me. 

He never had turned his back to me. He had always faced me. But not today. Today he was angry. Him not saying anything had said a lot.


I still in the same position as last night watched Dante get ready. His normal suit. His normal hair. His normal scent. He looked normal. For a mafia leader.

His face. His face held a frown as he still hadn't spoken or even looked at me. 

Shall I speak first?

What if he shouts?

Gets angry?

Fear was built up inside of me. This had always happened. The constant fear when something bad had happened. I would do this when I lived with my parents. I would avoid them and stay in my room scared for my life. 

I wanted to tell them many times about my uncle but I knew they wouldn't believe me. When I did tell them, it resulted in my mothers death. She didn't deserve it. She was the most kind hearted person I knew. 

My eyes shut as I remembered her dead body on the cold floor with the crimson blood surrounding her. I took a deep breath.

"Dante" A small whisper left my mouth unconsciously. I opened my eyes to see Dante standing with his hands in his pockets as he waited for me to speak. Since I didn't reply, he returned back to what he was doing.

I got out of bed and walked towards him. I touched his shoulder to which he shuddered back. My eyes moved to my hand and then to his shoulder. My eyes now filled with confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Why isn't he screaming? Why isn't he shouting at me.

He didn't glance at me. He picked up his phone and exited the room as I watched him once again. 

I only went to the club. Why was he so mad. He caught me anyways.

And why was I so mad about that?


I entered the dining room hesitantly as I saw everyone eating their food in pure silence. The silence included so much tension.

I sat down next to Dante who still ate his breakfast without a glance. Why was I waiting for a glance. Was I alright?

I sat there trying to find the croissant to see it put on Dante's side. I looked at Dante and then at the croissant. I don't want to embarrass myself if he ignores me. 

His AngelΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα