Epilogue:Part 2

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Liam Rawley

"Thanks for helping me, guys, "I said to the group as we arranged the chairs for the ceremony.

Things were awkward between Roy and Tess after they broke up a few days ago and there was this tension around them.

"So, I got a letter from Ariel University, "I mentioned to everyone.

"And?"Laurel asked excitedly.

"I got in."I said joyfully, "Which is perfect since it's only 20 minutes away and I don't have to be far away from Brady."

"That's great."Tess said, not sound genuine, "At least your boyfriend won't break up with you because he thinks that distance is a problem even though we can totally survive that if we wanted to but he is completely selfish and doesn't even-"

"Tess, "Laurel said softly, "I feel like this is not about Liam."

She scoffed and stormed away.

"I'll go check on her, "Laurel said and ran after her.

Roy had a sad face on while Dan just stood there awkwardly.

"So, I'm gonna go check something over there," Dan said awkwardly and went away quickly.

"You okay?"I asked Roy softly.

"Did I make a mistake?"Roy frowned.

"I love her but I don't want to be one of those couples that says we could survive long distance but break up over FaceTime after we had a long day of me playing badminton and she playing soccer while her guy best friend is waiting for her to break up with me because he had been madly in love with her for the last year."He explained.

"That's very specific."I muttered, "This is my opinion and you don't have to consider it but instead of breaking up and hating each other, why don't the two of you talk and end things the right way."

He was quiet for a while before finally looking up to face me, "You're right."He said, "I'm gonna go and talk to her now." He went to wherever Tess was and as I watched him go.

I then noticed Brady coming inside the building with flowers in his hand. He was wearing the dark blue suit and white buttoned-up shirt inside of it with a black necktie on. Our eyes locked and he went to me quickly. When he came closer, I noticed a black eye on his face but I was too angry to ask him where he got that from.

"You look very beautiful."Was the first thing he said.

"I'm mad at you."I pointed out.

"I figured."He handed me the flowers, "This is for you."

"I'm not the one getting married," I said bitterly and crossed my arms above my chest.

"Did it really went that bad?"He raised his eyebrows.

"Bad doesn't even describe it."I said seriously, "I can't believe you ditched me like that."

"I did not ditch you."He said regretfully, "It's a funny story actually."He let out a weak chuckle, "I lost the rings and was searching for it with Ryan."

"What? How can you lose it?"I raised my eyebrows, "Did you find it?"

"Yes, we did."He assured, "I had to box with someone to get it."

"That explains the black eye."I touched it gently, "Why did you have to box for it?"I questioned.

"Long story short, Ryan and I got drunk last night...Well, at least I did and I didn't even realize that I had it in my pocket. I really don't know what happened after that."He explained.

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