Chapter 24

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It has been a few days since the Multiverse learned of their existence. They didn't leave Dragontale except the few times they went to Dusttale to let Demise train with his fire magic. Blade could easily train with the ocean in Dragontale, and Drako could just stay in the jungle. They felt a bit stupid for not thinking about just staying in Dragontale instead of going to Oceantale while they were searching for Blade and Demise's elements, as it would have prevented Ocean from finding them, but it was too late to mourn over this past decision.

They soon noticed that Blade and Demise couldn't use Gaster Blasters or bone attacks anymore. They had a bit of troubles opening portals, but they still could, thankfully. It seemed that their attacks got replaced by the elemental magic. Not like they cared; Blade mostly used his knives to fight, and Demise always preferred his scythe, even if he didn't need to fight often. And they sincerely hoped that they wouldn't have to fight in this Multiverse anyway.

After a while of training with their elemental magic, they learned to use and control it without a source next to them, which was nice because Demise didn't want to need to be in Hotland all the time just to use it. It did led to Demise almost setting Dragontale's jungle on fire, but Blade put the fire out quickly enough. They also discovered that Gaster and Sans' element was the wind, making the family have all the different elements.

The Voices of the Anti-Void also started to talk once Drako finished his training, and they were absolutely adorable and very caring. Drako loved them with his SOUL! Too bad that he couldn't hug them as they had no physical body, just like Psyche...

But Torment, Blade and Demise soon started to notice something about Drako, making them decide to interrogate him. "Drako, we need to talk."

Drako gulped, feeling guilty of a crime he never committed and didn't even know about. It wouldn't be the first time that he did something wrong without even knowing that he shouldn't do it, but at the moment, he had no idea of what his crime might be. "YeAh...?" Demise was the one to speak next. "We noticed that you go more and more into the Anti-Void... So, we thought that you maybe wanted to go to Outertale? You didn't go since you came here after all."

Blade continued before Drako could answer. "We know that you modified your Anti-Void to look like Outertale's sky, but knowing you, you'd prefer going there for real, so... What do you say?"

Drako looked at all of them and sighed, relived that he wasn't in trouble for something he didn't do... Or didn't remember doing. They were right; he spent the last days more in the Anti-Void because he missed Outertale. Quite ironic knowing that it was the place where he supposedly 'died' in his past Multiverse, but who could blame him? The view was amazing! "I... YeAH, I mIsS OuTeRTaLE... BuT WhAT If WE mEeT ThE SkELEtoN bRotHeRS?"

Torment shrugged. "They already know about us anyway, and we can't stay in Dragontale forever anyway... Well technically, we could as it is our AU now... Anyway, it would be good to go for a walk in other AUs, don't you think?" Drako sighed once again. "I GuEsS, yEs...?"

"Perfect then, let's go!" Demise looked at Blade, tilting his head slightly. "Shouldn't we warn Gaster first?" Blade shook his head. "Nah, not necessary, we are adults... Well technically not anymore, but you know what I mean. We don't need to warn him all the time."

That being said, Blade opened a portal –with some troubles but he was getting better, so it didn't matter–, gesturing to Drako to go first with Demise with his paw. They did, soon followed by Torment, who was holding Blade on his shoulder, as usual. The dragons quite liked to be on their brothers' shoulders, surprisingly enough. And it wasn't just because it made Blade feel taller than he actually was. Nope, not at all.

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