Chapter 8: Help Him!

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The darkness started to gurgle. The shadows grew taller, arching on the floor, and sliding on the objects. Idris didn't bat an eyelid, standing still in the center of the room. A shape started to form in the darkness, and slowly it started to walk forward. The darkness started to detach from his face, and soon a man was standing in the center of the room.

"Hello Idris. I haven't seen you in a long time."  The man said, his voice sly.

Ali peeked over Idris' shoulder, seeing the man. He was large, his clothes tight around him. A black turban was placed over his head with a large, midnight blue jewel in the center. He had a thin mustache, and a goatee. His eyes were small, shimmering in the darkness.

Ali was observing him with interest, until the pain came back, stronger than before. He hissed, looking as the darkness started to stretch past his elbow. Idris turned around, her eyes filled with worry.
She gripped his arm, pulling him forward. She yanked his sleeve back. "Cure him!" Idris ordered, her voice rough.

The Seller looked at Ali's arms. "Well, it isn't my fault. People shouldn't touch what isn't theirs." He said, a sadistic grin spreading on his face.

Ali screamed, the darkness starting to crawl on his neck. "Idris! Idris!" He cried for help, falling to his knees, contorting in pain. Idris kneeled down, trying to help him, but she realized she couldn't do anything.

The woman stood up, stomping to The Seller. Ali watched, his eyes filling with tears from the pain. "Idris!" He shouted again, holding onto her name as if it were the last hope he had.

Idris turned to look at her partner, more furious than before. She turned around, a knife appearing in her hand. Idris pressed it against his neck, pushing him against the wall. The Seller didn't seem worried, glancing at Idris with half lidded eyes. "Cure. Him. Now." Idris snapped, the knife digging in his neck. A trickle of blood slid down and stained in shirt. The Seller seemed to realize that Idris was serious, and pushed the knife away from him and lowered her trembling hand.

"You haven't changed; you are the same barbarian you always have been. Counterintuitive, since you should be elegant, considering you are meant to be a servant for eternity," he said, whispering in her ear. Idris turned around, her hand shaking.

"Don't you dare-"

"IDRIS!" Ali screamed.

Idris ran towards him, dropping to her knees and grabbing his un-cursed hand. The Seller walked towards the two, slowly, taking his time. At this point, Ali's body was contorting in pain, the darkness starting to attack his face. The man kneeled down, grabbing his chin and checking the state of the curse. He dug in his pocket, taking a vial with a swirling, ice blue liquid inside. The Seller uncorked it, trying to keep him still enough to pour it into his mouth. He succeeded after a few tries, but the liquid didn't seem to do much.

"Why isn't it working?" Idris mumbled, placing Ali's head on her lap.

"The liquid is too cold. I need to warm it," the Seller said, starting to stand up and head to the back of his shop.

Idris stopped him, grabbing his arm and yanking him back, her nails digging in his skin. "There's no time! The curse is about to reach his heart!" Idris pleaded. "I can warm it! Give it to me!" She said, trying to reach for the vial.

"You can't, this is water from the Abdul Waahid el-Hai mountains. Not even you can warm it up."

"What should I do then?! He's dying!" Idris screamed, tears slipping in her eyes.

"Warm it up in your mouth." The Seller said, slowly holding out the liquid towards her. Idris froze. The water from the Abdul Waahid el-Hai mountains was deadly to her kind. If she swallowed even one drop, her life would end. The silence was broken by Ali's scream, louder and more shrill than the others before. Without a second thought, Idris grabbed the vial and poured it in her mouth, warming it up, before she leaned in, pressing her lips to Ali, and spitting the liquid inside his mouth.

(Credits to the rightful owner of the picture)

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