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My heart beats fast as my head screams for me to go out and find him. The only thing keeping from leaving to find him, is that I need help with fighting off the hunters. One shot with an ash bullet and I'm down.

So I need all the help I can get. I'm not stupid to think I can take them on by myself. I'm not suicidal, well not yet.

I haven't loose my mate. And I'm not going too. My mate means everything to me. Even when I acted like I didn't love him. I need to tell him. I need to tell him everything so we can start a life together.

After so long, we can start being mates, but first I need to find and save him. There's nothing in this world that I love more than him. I'll give my life for him to give him a chance at life.

I'm snapped from my thoughts as the door is flung open to Zach with a scared and angry expression.

The blood of blood fills the room. Not just any blood, my mate's blood.

Zach treads in the room, tears in his angry eyes. In his hands is a deep red jar, that my mate's scent of blood is coming from.

Sin, falling to his knees, a painful scream leaving his lips. The family surrounds him giving him comfort.

I don't participate, for it's my fault that this family's son and brother is missing.

Grabbing a hand full of hair in each hand,  I pull on it as I think of a way to find my mate.

In seconds it comes to me. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I feel so stupid!

"I know how to find him!" I choke out as tears fill my eyes. 

The family looks over to me. Kellin, with puffy eyes. His voice thick and sorrowful. "How?"

I don't answer, excitement filling me. "Get all the warriors! Tell them to meet me where you found the jar!"

Austen, knowing that he trusts me, nods his head. Knowing he's using the mind link packs have to call the warriors.

The family and I runs all the way to the clearing where the patrol found the jar of blood.

The warriors are already there. Treading through the tall grass, I step in front of the wolves and fae.

The warriors watch me quietly, waiting for me to start speaking. "I found a way to find Kiel!"

The warriors eyes has vengeance shining through. "I'll be casting a spell to reveal Kiel's scent."

Stepping to the center of the clearing, I wiggle my fingers in a combination. When I'm done wiggling my fingers, I bring my hand up like in blowing a kiss. Blowing on my hand I watch as Kiel's scent reveals itself.

I watch in aw at his revealed scent. It's a swirl of colors, not needing to dwell on it for right now, I turn to Kiel's family.

"Ause, Hugo, and Zairian. You will be going. Your mates are to stay and protect the pack. Take everyone into the safe room. Only open the door at the safe word." Austen orders.

The warriors, the oldest boys, and Kellin are the only ones left in the clearing as the others leave.

After Austen makes sure everyone that is staying are in the safe room, we follow Kiel's colorful scent.

We follow the scent through the woods, for hours we run, until finally we get to a clearing with wall. On the walls are guards with guns.

A racket is made. The guards turn their guns inside the compound. Rawrs and growls fill the air. I know that it's not from any of the warriors, because it's coming from the compound.

We watch as the walls began to crumble, and the ground shakes as the wall turns to rubble

In the compound are creatures, ripping the hunters to bits as they shoot at the creatures. The hunters are no match, the guns not even stopping the creatures.

The creatures look to be bare trees in the shape of a man. The roots formed into legs.  The leave less branches into arms. The teeth are sharpen bark. The eyes are like pumpkin eyes. The ears are curled into horns. 

Overall, pretty scary shit.

In the mist of the battle, I see the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.

My mate.

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