Chapter 13: Out of tune

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"DANCE FOR ME DANCE FOR ME OH, OH, OHHHHHHHHHHH!" I sing with my amazing angelic voice. I know these guys are telling  me to shut up, but I can't. I like singing it brings me joy.


"SHUT UP!" Rayne and Kenzo both scream at me, scaring me to death.

"What?" I gasp, feeling my whole body tremble.

"Stop singing, please!" Cole begs me.

"Hey, I am a good singer, "I say with great confidence. That's my future, to be the next big pop idol

"Yeah, okay!" Jett sarcastically laughs. "You can't sing to save your life, Grey."

"Yeah, I can." I nod confidently.

"No, you can't, you sound like a dying cat!" Kenzo rudely implies, infuriating me.

"No, I don't!" I cross my arms defensively, trying not to lose my shit. I know I can sing and screw them when I make my millions.

"You do, it's deafening." Rayne complains, trying to stay composed. I think my singing got to him, he was  to be honest covering his ears the whole time. 

"Fine, I won't sing." I sit back on top of the desk and take a long sigh.

Sitting here with these guys has made me appreciate my freedom. What these guys have to do every day is like torture, I can't even stay here for two hours and they have been doing it for two months.

I want this time to fly, but it's dragging like a bitch! Plus that girl never came back and it feels like I am going to be here forever.

"Do you guys wanna play a game?" I suggest in a bored tone. I might just fall asleep by this rate.

"Like what? 7 minutes in heaven?"  Cole wiggles his eyebrows at me, with a smirk on his lips. "Urghh, no." I make a disgusting face at him.

"More like seven minutes of torturous hell with her!" Rayne groans, not liking this idea. The nerve on this guy, I swear. I want to slap him now.

"How about Kiss kiss?" Jett suggests, throwing a cheeky wink at me.

"What is that?" I am curious to know.

"Well, you have to kiss one of us, before we end up.. all kissing you."  Kenzo declares, as he stares intensely at me, like he stripping me with his eyes. 

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