🐺 Chapter 2. Battle

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I watched James walk around, trying to call someone. I think his brother, William. I never met him, only that works for the military as well in Washington DC. I don't know why William, or Will how James calls him, never shows up and visit his brother, but I know James wants to talk to him.

I heard the kids talking about 'uncle Will' and when he will come and visit them but, James always brushed it off. "He trying it again, isn't it?"
My best and oldest friend Lecan sat beside me. His brown ears perked forward as he watched James as well. "I guess so..." was my simple reply. "He never thought about visiting Will?" He asked. "Perhaps but... William somehow doesn't want any contact with James..."

"Strange, don't you think?"

I sighed and agreed quietly. "In ten years of working with James, I have never seen William. I know the kids did five years back when they were visiting Washington DC with their mom. It wasn't planned and I don't know the details, but... that was the last encounter they had..."

"He works for the military as well, right?"
"He does... some sort of base in Washington DC."
"They have bases in Washington DC?"
"Yeah, one... I believed it was called N.E.S.T or something like that."

James walked up to us. "Oh, hi Lecan... are you coming Skye? We need to go."
I got up and touched Lecan's snout with mine before following James. "I know what you're thinking... I should stop trying to contact Will..." he said. That's not what I was thinking at all, but he somehow thought that.

"He's my brother and I can't just... stop trying. I know you've been questioning about why I don't have contact with him or why you have never met him... it's just really complicated..." he stated. I mentally hummed and hopped in the truck. James leaned on the edge with his hands and stared at me for a moment.

"I'll tell you when we get back from this mission, okay?"
He ruffled my head before walking over to some of his colleagues. It's the first time he talks about it, and yet he seems to hesitate whether he tells me or not.

We arrived at the location 2 hours later. It had been a long drive, but my longest. Sitting next to James, I watched him put on his bullet proof vest and grab his rifle and gun, loading them. "You know the plan..." he started without glancing. "It's important we move fast and end this quick..." he said, looking down at me.

I sighed softly and got up. Lecan and I are going for a little scouting mission towards the cabin in the woods. The others would surround it when we come back. Our alpha, Siku, a large black wolf will be waiting for us. It's not a surprise that Siku is the partner of the team captain.

I spotted the black wolf, standing a little further away. His bright eyes scammed the area before he strode over to his partner. I do admire Siku for his bravery and leading skills, but if it comes to interacting with humans, he can be a little cold, aggressive even. I am only one of the few who let people treat me like a pet, especially kids because they have no clue of what and who we are. Siku doesn't and James doesn't like Siku hanging around on his property or around his kids and always asks me to keep an eye on them.

No one can really control Siku, but without him the pack will fall and K19 unit will end up in a disaster. The tension for the alpha status is too high.

Lecan and I trotted into the woods,— high alert to detect any signs of boobytraps or explosives. We can smell them, humans can't. The only thing that's really hard for us is communicating with humans. We can't talk if we are wolves. Among the pack, we use telepathy and body language, but humans don't understand. Although, James trusts me enough to follow my lead, no matter what. Even if he thinks it's dangerous, he would still follow me.

Lecan and I slowed down. "Zane has a visitor..." he said as he came to a stop next to me. A police car was parked in front of the house. "Cops?" I asked and twitched my ears. "That's strange..." Lecan mumbled. We laid down and stayed low. "We should warn Siku..." I said after a while.

"Something isn't right..."
I agreed with Lecan, but I just didn't understand why this all felt so wrong. A man stepped out of the cabin, dressed like a cop, but his eyes. They're red and they were glowing. He wiped some blood off his hands before hopping in the car and driving off.

Lecan and I both got up at the same time, walking over to the house and perked inside. The smell off blood filled out nose. Walking inside, blood started to mix with the smell of death. Zane is dead but the strange thing is, there was no sign of wrestling or a fight in general. As if the cop shot him through the head while Zane was talking and heading for the kitchen.

"You smell that?"
I tilted my head. "I do... what is that smell?" I asked, looking around. We started to feel a little uncomfortable and decided to leave the house but before we got the change there was an explosion from the other side of the house. The house collapsed and for a moment I blacked out. It didn't take long though, as I came back to senses I free myself and shook my fur. My front leg hurt and some blood was dripping from the deep cut, but other than that, I felt okay. Little stuff and bruised maybe.

I looked around, Lecan was laying on the floor and he was dead. A rock had hit his helm and panicked. Lecan is my best friend, he has been there for me after my brothers died and he was my family. I threw my head in the air and howled it echoed off against the trees and from the distance I heard others, howling back.

Siku was here quickly and inspected Lecan. "What happened?" He sounded snappy, but he was worried and grieving too. Lecan had been a huge asset and great friend for all of us. I folded my ears back and lowered my snout, pushing against Lecan. "An explosion... Zane is killed by a cop..."

Siku raised his head and growled showing his very white teeth. "Skye!" James called out for me and he made his way over to me. Looking down, his face dropped. "I am sorry..." he whispered, trying to comfort me a little. I just felt numb and blamed myself for Lecan's death. "Go with James, Skye..."

I obeyed, but I couldn't help looking over my shoulder. James crouched down and hugged me briefly before grabbing my jaw and lifted my head. He forced me to look at him. "You're injured..."

I nearly forgot about it. I pulled my head free and stood up again, pacing around a bit. "James! What did the cop say?"
James's team captain strode over to him. "He sounded a little aggressive as if he was in a hurry... he told me to fuck off..." James growled.

"We need to know what happened here... and why she entered the house..."

I felt insulted by now. It's not my fault but yet he blamed me. "Skye probably had a good reason... she wouldn't disobey if not for a good reason!" James snapped before gesturing to me to follow. I stared at Siku from a distance and Lecan's partner. "This is bad, Skye. People will question what happened, what went wrong here..." he said.

I didn't listen, the police guy kept popping up in my head. Those red eyes, this wasn't just a normal police officer. Corruption was the first thing to pop up in my mind, but something told me it's more complex then I thought...

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