Chapter 38

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Li Wei Wei been spending her time at home as Feng Xujin had banned her from going out for the time being. She feel that Feng Xujin's action were ridiculous.

Walking around the manor for probably ten times, she saw no one was around except all the servant who keep the house clean.

Also these day she had been wondering where did Daku Sin went to. She discovered that the last time he came was when he scold Feng Xujin for the irrational plan.

'Where did he go? How could he forgot his one and only friend.' She thought deeply while munching the mooncake.

It was so weird that he didn't even visit her when she was in the prison. Li Wei Wei has gotten used to his presence as her only sincere friend in the ancient era.

"Why are you thinking of?" Feng Xujin's voice startled her.

"Ah! You scared me! Fuhh.. my heart.." Li Wei Wei take a deep breath while soothing her heart using her right hand.

"I didn't mean to." Feng Xujin said while taking a seat beside her. Inside his robe, an envelope can be seen.

"Jin Jin you know what? I was thinking about Sin." Frowning is visible on her eyebrow.

"He didn't even visit me when I was released from prison. But you said he came here. Why didn't he visit me?" A sour expression came out on Feng Xujin face when he heard her said it.

"Don't do that face! He is just my friend. My first ever friend when I first came here! Don't be jealous." Li Wei Wei quickly explain.

"You know what? He might be approaching me with bad intention. Since you and him had a brief fight. Right? Like who would want to befriend with me without any hidden intention. But he changed and he is sincere to me. That's why I treasure him as my friend." Feng Xujin listen to her every words. He is sure that she got no feelings for Daku Sin but he still feel unsafe.

"Only friend?" Feng Xujin look at her with his hooded eyes.

"Of course! Why would he like me? He even said that I am an auntie. Everytime I think of it I want to hit his head." Li Wei Wei laughed at her own story.

"Here." Feng Xujin suddenly handed her the envelope that was secured in his robe.

"Hmm.. What is this? Are you buying me a house and this is the house grant? Just joking.." Li Wei Wei tease him a bit. She look at the envelope and take it from his hand.

She look at the front of the envelope and there is a name which spelled put Daku Sin's name.

"This is from Sin? But why would he gave me a letter?" Her tone filled with confusion. Nonetheless, she take out the letter from the envelope.

Feng Xujin just sit there stills. He remembered the day that Daku Sin came, he gave him a letter to passed it to Li Wei Wei.

At first, he was jealous. But when he thought over about Li Wei Wei and Daku Sin relationship, he decided to give in. Daku Sin had never crossed the limit.


"Give this to Li Wei Wei later." Daku Sin said while handing over a red envelope.

"Why should I?" Feng Xujin's voice turn cold.

"I'm will go back to my country." Daku Sin replied looking at Feng Xujin directly without any sense pf fear.

"Why?" The question unintentionally came out from Feng Xujin's mouth.

"Huh? You're asking me why? Are you crazy? Then should I watch the lady that I love live happily with the man she love? I have a heart too you know?" Daku Sin express his hurting heart while laughing a bit.

"I couldn't even confess my feeling as I'm afraid it will ruin our relationship. It was hard to keep this feeling deep in me." Daku Sin added.

"But if you hurt her again, I won't hesitate to come back here and take her with me." It wasn't a warning, more like a promised.

"Take care of her and goodbye. I wish we will never meet again." Daku Sin had decided to stay away from her. Whenever he is near her, his heart was aching to have her as his. But he know she is not meant to be his.

Before Feng Xujin could react, Daku Sin had already left. He look at the letter in his hand. His conscience told him to throw it away but Li Wei Wei and Daku Sin friendship stopped him.

Slowly unfolding the letter, words were visible through Li Wei Wei eyes. She was afraid to read the letter.

"It's been awhile since we met. I am writing this letter for you because I didn't have the chance to meet you. I am very busy. You know that I am a prince right? I have business to take care of and also ladies propose marriage to me. As you know I am a very popular bachelor.." Her eyes started to filled with tears as she feel like she know where is this going to end. But she laughed at him boasting about him being a prince and being chased by ladies.

"I need to head back to my country. And also I might not come back again. It was very hard to leave without meeting you for one last time. But I think it is the best not to see your ugly face filled with tears and snots. I still remember that you gifted me the blue jade and I still have it with me. I will treasure it forever. Take care of yourself and I will always pray for your happiness. If we are meant to meet again, we will. Probably in this lifetime or another lifetime. Lastly, I miss you so much.... my friend Li Wei Wei. Sincerely, Handsome Sin."  Tears already went down like a river when she is done reading his letter.

"How could he leave without saying goodbye?" Her round eyes full of tears. She really hate this kind of partings apart.

"He still can joke while writing a letter to me. He even called me ugly! That ungrateful man!" Li Wei Wei barely said the words with sobbing forcing out.

"When I meet him again, I will hit him until he couldn't walk!" She was very sad about him leaving but she also don't want to hurt Feng Xujin by crying over another man. So she decided to loosen up the atmosphere. But failed miserably as her tears couldn't stop.

"It is okay to cry." Feng Xujin finally said something. He knew she is genuinely sad that her friend left without a proper goodbye.

He hugged her close him. She cried because her only friend left her. And no one's gonna accompany her to the city. She is gonna miss his bragging and showing off attitude.


I will always remember Sin's character. 💜
Thanks for the 60K!!

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