Chapter 12

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Khushi's POV

It's been two months since I started working for the S.K. company.

Saira and Zanvil have become close to me. Zanvil always cracks jokes and makes us laugh.

Rahul Malhotra is also nice. Sometimes he comes to my office to talk with me. He is also a funny type of person.

Mr. Umesh Kapoor is also being nice to me. Sometimes both Rahul and Umesh Kapoor come to my cabin and talk with me during my free hours. They say that they enjoy my company.

That devil is giving me so much work that I don't get time to sleep at night. I am completing every task he gives me. I know he is doing that intentionally, but I will not let him win.

I woke up late, as today is Sunday, and I don't have work today.

"Di! Di! Di!" Divya came running into my room. She was crying badly, and she was all scared.

"Divi, what happened, and why are you crying like this?" I asked her. My heart beat was getting faster by the  passing seconds.

"Di, mo-mom i-is" her voice broke.

I grabbed her arms and shook her. "Divi, what happened to mom?" Tears formed in my eyes.

"Di, mo-mom" I left her arms and ran downstairs to see mom. Divya was also running behind me.

I looked around. Mom was not there.  I ran towards her room. Tears were running down my cheeks, and my heart was beating wildly.

As soon as I entered her room, I felt like someone snatched my heart away from my chest. My mom was lying down on the floor, unconscious.

I ran towards her and kept her head on my lap. "Mom, please wake up! Mom, please wake up!" I tried to wake her up. Divya came with a glass of water and sat beside me. She was also crying badly.

I sprinkled some water on mom's face, but it was of no use.

"Divi, call an ambulance..FAST!" She nodded and ran from there.

After some time an ambulance came.


"Miss. Raichandr, we need to do her operation now. Otherwise, you will lose her," the doctor said.

"You have to arrange 10 lakhs immediately for the operation," he added.

"But doctor, I don't have that much money with me now," I said, thinking maybe he would understand my situation.

How will I arrange this much money in this short time?

I was shaking like a leaf in fear of losing my mom.

"Sorry, but I can't help you with this, Miss. Raichandr. If we are late to do her operation, then we will lose her. Think properly. Last time I also suggested doing her operation, but now it's high time. Think properly," he told me and left from there.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

What will I do now? I don't have that much money, and I also want my mom with me. What should I do?

"Di, what will we do now?" I totally forget that Divya is also standing beside me.

I wiped her tears with my thumb."Don't worry, Divya. Everything will be alright."

I really don't know if everything will be alright or not.

"Di, I don't want to lose mom. Please, Di, do something." she hugged me.

I hugged her back and said, "Nothing will happen to mom, Divi. Wait here with mom."

She nodded.

I came out of the hospital and sat on a bench in the hospital garden.

Why God? why? Why are you doing this to us... why??. First you snatched my dad from me, and now my mom. How will I live without her?

My mom always puts you first. Then why are you doing this to your beloved?
She always used to say, "Khushi, always trust God, never doubt God. No matter what problems you will face, god has reasons for allowing things to happen." 
I have never doubted you, but today I am losing my faith.
I always worshipped you and asked for good health for my mom, but see now, you are trying to snatch my mom away from me. Please, I am begging you not to do this to us.. take my life and give her life back.... please.....please. I can't live without my mom...please don't do this to us. She is everything to us....please don't snatch her from us. Please... please don't make me lose my faith in you.

I cried my heart out. I don't know what to do now. I am feeling worthless as I can't do anything to save my mom's life. I don't deserve to be called a daughter.

See, dad, your daughter is helpless now. Dad, what should I do now? I don't want to lose mom as I lost you.

I felt as if someone sat beside me, but I didn't feel like seeing that person as I was in my own thoughts, thinking how to arrange money for mom's operation. We don't have any property, so I can sell it and arrange money for my operation.

"Miss. Raichandr," I felt this voice was familiar to me. I looked beside me. Umesh Kapoor was sitting beside me.

I wiped my tears with the back of my palm and gave him a small smile.
"Mr. Kapoor, you are here?" My throat went dry from crying.

"Yes, I came here with one of my friends. He has an appointment with a doctor,"

I nodded.

Then he asked, "but what are you doing here, and why are you crying?" 

"My mom is admitted in this hospital. The doctor said that we needed to do her operation immediately, otherwise we would lose her," I said truthfully. Tears started falling from my eyes.

"And you don't have money for that," he said, and I looked at him shocked. How did he come to know that I don't have money?

"Miss. Raichandr, I know you want money for your mother's operation. The doctor who is treating your mother is my friend, and he told me everything." He said, looking at me with pity.

"I can help you."

I lifted my head and looked at him.
"How?" A low whisper came from my mouth.

"I will pay for every treatment your mom receives. You don't have to worry about money, but I want something in return," he said.

What might he want in return?

I don't want to lose my mom. What should I do? Should I accept his money?

"You have only this option to save your mom's life, Khushi. Accept his offer if you want to save your mom's life," my inner voice said.

After debating in my mind, I asked him, "What you want in return?"


What do you think Mr.Umesh kapoor want in return? 🤔

Guys, i hope you all are enjoying this story till now....please feel free to share your thoughts.

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stay safe.

God bless you all


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