52. The Ring

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Ever since I was turned into a werewolf, I hadn't felt the way I did when I woke up that morning. I stared at the ceiling, listening to Chase's steady breathing as he continued sleeping.

I was calm.

"Killian..." I breathed out the name, and for the first time ever, that name didn't scare me. No, it brought me peace. He was next. My revenge was next, and I felt invincible.

There was, of course, a small problem.

"So, how are we going to find him?"

We all stood in the middle of Ben's living room a few hours later. Chase, Roe, Ben, Zane, Aaliyah and Frank. Seeing them all there, still standing by my side even though this had nothing to do with them, was one of the reasons why I felt calm. I was not alone.

The merchant, Arthyzn, had a frown on his face as he thought about Roe's question.

"I haven't heard anything from Donovan, but last time I checked, Killian had three bases Donovan knew of. One of which they destroyed after your escape, and the other one got just blown up by you guys."

"I scoured the entire place and found nothing," Roe said, looking increasingly pissed as his restlessness was growing. "Not a single clue. Not even a piece of paper. It was clean."

"That leaves us the third base," Arthyzn sighed. "But I doubt they have evidence just lying around. We could check it out, but that will alert them, and I strongly advice against taking unnecessary risks."

"It'll be a waste of time," I said. "The one they held me at was tightly secured, and they never left anything just lying around."

"Then what? How are we going to find them?" Roe asked again, pacing restlessly.

Silence fell into the house for a long while as we all tried to come up with an answer. There had to be something. Anything.

"Do you have a way of contacting Donovan so we could ask if he's got any ideas?" Chase asked, but Arthyzn shook his head. "Nothing at all?"

"I can only hope he'll give me a call one of these days," Arthyzn sighed. "But I doubt he'll take the risk. He's a lone wolf, you see."

"If we had his DNA, I could make a blood call," Chase sighed.

"Blood call?" I frowned.

"I use that method when I need to call my parents in case they don't pick up their phone," Chase shrugged. "Little bit of my own blood and I can contact them. I need DNA."

"We could go check his house?" Ben suggested.

Arthyzn shook his head. "That house is being watched. I wouldn't recommend."

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