The House

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We bought a home built in the 1890s in 1999, in a small town, which was becoming a suburb of a bigger city, about a half an hour from where we worked. It was in rough shape inside, but the house was structurally good. It had originally been a school. We also bought it for a great, meaning low, price.

The previous owner was an elderly woman with dementia and the woman's daughter was her power of attorney. The daughter forced the old lady to sell.

We heard, from our realtor, that this old lady was imagining all sorts of things and it was unsafe for her to live alone. Her daughter said her mother was imagining footsteps, rocks being thrown on the roof and other sounds.

The elderly lady also, in lipstick, had written aneurysm and death on the wall of a 2nd floor bedroom. We had to wallpaper that room. The elderly lady's husband had died of that illness in that room. The daughter had reasons to be concerned.

It was a small house with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The bathroom had been built onto an outer wall of the first floor, at a later time. The one bedroom was on the first floor. The other 2 large bedrooms were in what would have been the attic. The 2nd floor rooms had slanted walls from the roof line and a tiny closet in each room. You had to walk through one bedroom into the other. We thought it would be a great kids space. It could be a playroom and the the girls could share the bedroom.

One night, after we moved in, a doll that talked with batteries,began talking late at night. I took the batteries out and as I walked down the stairs the doll made static noises. I thought maybe it still had some battery charge, so I took the doll and put it in the garage. The garage was not attached to the house.

The girls, no longer played with this doll, so I threw it in the dumpster the next day. It was odd, but I could find a reason for this dolls odd activity, yet it still gave me the creeps.

We thought we'd fix this house up and sell it or rent it at a later time. We still lived at our previous place at first.

Each night we’d go to the house after work and we ripped out the old flooring and began to paint and wallpaper walls in this house. We then had to replace areas of rotted, old termite damaged plaster. We found a woman's button up shoe and glass bottles in the wall, behind rotted plaster, from when the house was built. The shoe was molded from moisture in the house.

The bottles just seemed freaky, they were old medical bottles,so I threw them all away. I can’t fully explain the feelings that I felt when touching these objects.The bottles felt warm in my hand. An old newspaper was wrapped around these objects and much of it had crumbled into dust. It was a bizarre experience.

A week after we found these items, odd stuff began to happen. It was weird. I always felt like someone was watching me. So did a few other people. This included an electrician who checked the wiring, the pest, insect Inspector, my mom, 2 friends and my older daughter.

One night my daughter and I were there painting around 11 and we heard footsteps upstairs. We knew no one was there and we immediately left.

The next day when my husband came back all the lights were on. It was dark when we left. Our cat and dog, then started to huddle in a corner and whimper in the house, so we no longer brought them.

One night we were painting the kitchen and when my daughter and I were ready to leave I couldn’t find my car keys. They were on my work lanyard and I had tossed them on the kitchen counter. My teenaged daughter had watched me put the keys there. My house keys were on another key chain and were still in my purse. I just couldn’t find the lanyard. It was a long cord necklace with a work ID and my car key fob on it. It was just crazy.

Fortunately we hadn’t locked the car. There was no furniture in the house yet and a strong smell of paint in the house. My daughter and I slept in my car in the driveway that night.

The next morning we found the lanyard. It was on the floor of the kitchen. It was just strange. I didn’t go back to the house for a few weeks after this incident.

My husband was sure we had just missed seeing the lanyard on the floor because we’d painted late in the evening and were tired. I am positive that it wasn’t on the floor that night. This was a relatively large object.

We had changed the locks and one day we came and all the light bulbs had been loosened in their ceiling outlets. There was no reason that could happen, yet we then replaced the ceiling light fixtures.

We next had an electrician check the wiring and it was fine. Yet, the electrician thought someone was right behind him and called his name while he was working in the cellar. I was upstairs and no one else was in the home.

One day we came and the kitchen cabinets were all open. They actually had a snap lock.

Another time we heard rocks tossed on the roof. There were no rocks or people nearby. The pest, insect guy who came to spray also heard his name called out in the cellar. He refused to come back.

Many other unexplainable things also occurred. A friend, who helped my husband carpet the 2nd floor, saw a face in a mirror. He was an Air Force captain and he'd been in war, yet it really freaked him out. My husband always found excuses.

After we moved in more things like the doll incident occurred. My mom thought she saw a figure in the heat grating on the floor. It had old hot water, boiler heat, that rose through grates in the floor.

My nephew at a family picnic in the yard, went into the house to use the restroom. He was alone in the house and saw a figure at the top of the stairs. My mom thought it was the same dark figure.that she had seen.

One morning we found a knife on the floor about 6 feet away from the drawer that it was in. This may all have been collective imagination, but this was the most frightening experiences of my life.

We lived there a year. We then rented it and had trouble keeping renters. We eventually sold it. Now it's gone and it's a parking lot. I think this house needed to be destroyed.

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