Chapter Sixteen

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The car ride to the private airway was quiet, I could tension radiating off of Liliana. She sat by the window on the other side of the car looking out of the window.

"Where are we going?" Liliana asked, looking over at me.

"Huacachina, Peru," I said looking at her. She nodded and turned back to the window. Once again the car fell silent, luckily Franco noticed and turned on the radio. I tapped my foot the beat trying to get my mind off of this stupid bounty. I closed my eyes, leaning my chin on my hand. I flinched when I felt something touch my hand, I opened an eye to see it was just Lilianna's hand.

"Sorry," she said, pulling her hand away and placing it back on her lap. My hand jerked towards her hand but I stopped and pursed my lips as I placed it back on my lap.

"Mr. Langello and Ms. Liliana, we are here," Franco said, parking the car beside the jet. I nodded and slid him an extra hundred dollars. He winked and let us out of the car. I grabbed both of our suitcases and guided Lili up the stairs.

"This is lovely," she said looking around.

"Thank you, I designed it last year," I said tossing the suitcases onto the floor, "if you are tired, you can sleep in the room back there. The bed is super comfortable,"

"Oh ok," she said, "I'll see you later," I nodded and watched her walk to the back room. I sighed and order a whiskey, I pulled out my computer and went to my email.

About an hour later and it's ok to say that I was raging. I mean is it that difficult to count a simple amount of money before handing it over to my men. You want something from me, you pay for it and if you are short even a penny short, you'll suffer the consequences. I sighed and slammed the computer shut. I ran both hands over my face before my attention turned towards the bedroom door.

I could hear Liliana crying or what sounded like crying. I jumped up and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw that she was crying in her sleep.

"Hey, hey, Liliana, wake up," I said, kneeling beside the bed. Her eyes snapped up and she sat up.

"H-hey," she said, wiping her eyes before smiling at me.

"What were you dreaming about?" I asked softly, grabbing her hand.

"I don't want to talk about it," she mumbled, I nodded and stood up brushing my pants off.

"Can you possibly stay in here with me? Please?" she asked. I nodded and sat beside her, she curled up into my chest. I tensed up a bit unsure of what was going on.

"You need to relax," she muttered. I tried and eventually did. She played with the buttons on the cuffs of my sleeves. Her eyes were puffy and red, it made me want to hold her forever and never let her go.

"You and Enzo died," she said, still playing with my sleeves.

"We had died?" I questioned, confused.

"The dream, this woman came in and shouted at you guys before she ordered this man to beat you all. Enzo was first he was quick, a few punches before a gun wound to the head. W-when they got to you, they just beat you until you were black and blue, I screamed and cried for them to stop but they didn't listen. Instead, they made me shoot you, I didn't want to. I begged them to stop but the guy forced me to shoot you and you said it was ok," she said crying again. It broke my heart to hear that. I pulled her closer to me, holding her tight.

"I'm here, I'm ok," I said, "Enzo is ok, you are ok. We are still alive," I kissed the top of her head.

"Can we call Enzo to make sure, please? That he's ok," she asked, "I've grown quite fond of you two,"

"Of course," I said nodding my head and pulling out my phone. I dialed Enzo's number and waited for him to answer.

"Hey Boss, did you guys make it yet?" he asked.

"No, no we are still on the jet. Lili had a nightmare and wants to check on you," I said, rubbing her back.

"Ohh, well pass her the phone," he said. I handed her the phone and watched her talk to him as she moved on to play with the rings on my hands. They talked for a good half hour before she hung up.

"Once he starts talking, he never shuts up," she said smiling.

"That's Enzo for you," I said returning the smile.

"So what are we going to do in Peru?" she asked, sitting up.

"Depends on what you want to do, but we have to be on the low," I said.

"Well, of course, I don't have a death wish," she said rolling her eyes before laughing softly, making me laugh.

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