Chapter 1

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Death... it really disappointed my expectations I had for it. You'd think that you would be in heaven where there are angels, fluffy clouds, and halos everywhere, or be sent to hell where molten lava, darkness, and the devil cackling as he waited for you were there. But no, for me I'm in a plain white room with a man with horns floating in front of me and at the same time, asking for my forgiveness.

"Why are you asking for my forgiveness again?" I asked. "And who are you?"

"My name is Hagoromo Otsutsuki, I'm also known as the Sage of Six Paths and I'm asking for your forgiveness because I ended your life too early." Hagoromo explained.

"I see... well what are you planning on doing next?" I asked.


"If you're asking for forgiveness that probably means you're not able to bring me back to my old life and there's no point in being angry over something you're not able to reverse, and so, what are planning on doing next?" I asked after I explained my reasoning.

"Thank you young one." He thanked me. "What I plan on doing is sending you to my world, so you'll be able to live your life to the fullest."

"Can you tell me about this world of yours?" Then he explained about who he is and the world he was sending me to, which sounds like a cool place... I think. Then he started to explain the abilities I'll be given when I arrive.

"I'll provide you with an aptitude for healing (Medical Jutsu), wood jutsu and all five of the elements (Fire, Wind, Earth, Water and Lighting).  I'll also give you an affinity for ninjutsu (Ninja Techniques), genjutsu (Illusionary Techniques) and taijutsu (Body Techniques), though you won't start out using these techniques perfectly, you'll need to train yourself to use them to their fullest potential."

"Concerning the training of all of these things, can you make it into a status plate?"

"Status plate?"

"Yes, like a board only I can see, that will inform me of my status. For example, if I say status plate, said board will come out and show me my information, to titles I have earned or the overall level I'm at." I explained.

"That seems fair. I'll need your help in developing it though..." I simply nodded and for the next few minutes, I helped Hagoromo make the status board for me. Making it like a gaming system. I also asked him to give me the skill Item Box, once again I had to explain the usage of said skill and help him create it.

"Along with all these things, I'll also give you the affinities for fuinjutsu (Sealing techniques), juinjutsu (Curse Seal Techniques) and senjutsu (Sage techniques). In addition, I'll give you the Sharingon since you died in your previous life."

"That's quite a lot of things you've given me." I sweat dropped.

"Indeed... if you want, I could give you a curse to balance it out." He suggested.

"Sure, fire away." I spoke.

"I'll give you the curse of immortality, so that way it'll make it impossible for you to die."

"Understood... will I see you again?" I asked.

"Perhaps. Now it's time to send you on your way." I gave Hagoromo a quick hug and said my thanks before everything became dark.

Then I slowly opened my eyes to see the sky filled with clouds, birds singing their tunes and the trees gently whispering in the breeze. I heard water running from what I could telling. was a stream and I sat up and saw there was an actual stream? I stood up and noticed that I was in a small opening, but then walked over to said stream and looked to see my reflection. When I looked into my reflection, I saw that I had beautiful onyx black eyes, pale smooth skin, and mid-back long white/silver hair. I was wearing a skintight black jumpsuit, and on top of it I was wearing a high collared white kimono, it looked exactly like Hagoromo's clothing. I had also notice that my body was one of someone of the age of perhaps five or six, but I wasn't sure. That's when I thought it would be a good time to test out the status plate. I whispered the name and then a small rectangular faded figured appeared in front of me and stated my status.

Name: Ayumi

Family Name: [blocked]

Age: 5

Title(s): Reincarnated, Child beloved by the Sage of Six Paths, Sharingan User, [blocked]

Level: 1

Chakra Control: 1%

Chakra Sensing: 0%

Chakra: 5/471

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Agility: 1

Int: 40

Luck: Max

Jutsu Categories: Ninjutsu (0%), Taijutsu (0%), Genjutsu (0%)

Jutsu Subcategories: Fuinjutsu (0%), Juinjutsu (0%), Senjutsu (0%)

Chakra Natures: Fire (0%), Water (0%), Earth (0%), Wind (0%), Lighting (0%)

Advance Chakra Natures: Wood (0%)

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingon (Level 3)

Curse: Immortality (cannot be broken)

Additional Skills: Item Box (Max), Super Growth (Max)

When I had a look at how much I had on my status I could only think of how overpowered I really was, but I didn't think less of it. I dismissed the status board making it dissipates into particles. I then went back to the small field, that I had awoke from and sat in the middle of it, beginning to mediate and collect chakra.

It was only an hour later when I heard a ding and saw a notification in front of me.


You're now level 2 and your Chakra Control has improved by 5%.

Try climbing a tree without your hands to further improve your Chakra Control.

I once again dismissed the notification after I read it and summoned my status plate to check my chakra, immediately noticing that it's limit grew by a hundred and that it was full. From there I went to a tree and began to climb said tree without the use of my hands.

By the end of the day my Chakra Control had improved by twenty percent and I had received a notification to start water walking. Not only that, but my level also improved by another level so I'm level 3 now... If I keep going like this, I'm going to become a monster. I only sweat dropped at my own thoughts. I could only wonder what would happen in the next few years...

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