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The scouts and I all paced in unison, with our uniforms looking as neat as ever and rifles over our shoulders, as we walked proudly in rows. The fair at the town outside of the castle, which we had been informed about two weeks prior, had finally come around as a celebration of the Queen's birthday. Our regiment was carrying out a march for the townsfolk as a demonstration of our newfound strength within the latest recruits, as an invitation for more members to join, as well as this being a direct request from Queen Historia herself. Connie had tried to convince me that they all knew the Queen personally and were very good friends with her, but I would not believe it until I saw it with my own eyes as that boy liked telling lies just to mess with me.

The weather could not have been better - not a single cloud in the sky - as we walked down the main road with crowds cheering on either side of us. I had to maintain a straight face and a professional look, but I could not help glancing over at all the kids screaming and clapping at our sight. They were so adorable; they thought of us as heroes.

Hange and Levi had been leading the march from the front so when they stopped, so did we. The two turned towards us and, just as we had practised the previous day, they performed the scouts' salute with their right arm over their chests and left arm on their backs. As soon as all of us repeated their movements, the crowd erupted in even louder cheers and I could not help a small smile from creeping onto my face. The energy here was unmatched, completely unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and I was beyond excited about my first public event as a member of the survey corps. It was absolutely thrilling.

A signal from Hange told us we were finally off duty and everyone instantly relaxed, dispersing into the crowds around us. We all handed our rifles in quickly, then I scanned the area around me for all of my friends and found them beginning to group up, Jean's height giving away his location from a mile away. I hopped over, enthusiasm running through me, as many kids and even adults gave me and the others looks of amazement. Sasha wrapped her arm around my shoulder as I came over and we began chatting.

"Look, it's the Queen!" Someone shouted and all eyes snapped in the direction of the castle. Grand stairs from one of its towers led to the end of this road and there she was with a beautiful crown on the top of her head, a dress of white and gold, and a red cape swinging behind her. The noise of the crowd increased once again, but this time by a greater amount as all of the scouts clapped at her appearance as well. Queen Historia gracefully walked down the stairs, waving at the people around her, but her demeanour changed when she reached the bottom. It was like she visibly relaxed and began to look around, clearly searching for something or someone.

To my utter surprise, the Queen sprinted through the mob of people, an excited shriek leaving her mouth as her two guards bolted after her, and she was coming in our direction. As soon as she reached our group she threw her arms around Eren and Mikasa, pulling the two into a tight hug and she squeaked about how happy she was to see everyone. She went around embracing every person in our group and all I could do was watch and stand in shock. Maybe Connie had not been lying after all.

I was startled when the girl turned towards me and instantly bowed my head before her, but this was not what she was after. I was pulled into a tight hug, just like all my friends, and I could have felt the air leave my lungs from how stunned I was.

"You must be Y/N! Jean has told me so much about you," the Queen said happily. Jean had spoken to her about me?

"Umm, y-yes, that's me. Happy birthday, your majesty," I stuttered, hesitating for a second before I hugged her back.

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