15 | T H E - E N D ?!

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Sky's  POV

Everyone faces turned into confusion, while watching there parents come out.

" wait-so, our parents were in the pyramid all along" missy asked while me and wild card looked at each other before breaking eye contact

" but I don't understand" she said while we all turned around to see the president and Ms.Granda walking down with some guards with a smiley face

" what's the take over?" Missy asked while we all nodded in agreement

" the takeover of power, from your parents." Ms.Granda said while everyone looked at each other, not noticing the two kids while they joined there hands together

" you see, the next generation is always improvement from the last" she said while I stepped up

" but, why did you put me under the serum?" I asked while everyone nodded

" we knew what you were going through, so we decided to add that to our list of improvement. Plus, you weren't even suppose to be here" the president said while I only nodded and looked down at the hands

" well I guess your planned work" I said as I looked up from the hands and smiled at wild card, missing half of the conversation

" your guess was close wheels, but not quite right. Everything wasn't designed for children" ojo said while she looked at me

" it was designed by children" I said while she nodded

" that's correct, on our planet; the children are in charge" she said while the aliens grew out there tentacles and bowed

" so your there leader?" Missy asked while I went next to her

" yes, just as I knew you two will be one as well. It's why I drew you both in front of the class." She said while me and missy smiled at each other

" So, from one leader to another. As we each head off to face the challenges of the universe, can we count on both of you? To not just save your plant, but the entire galaxy" she said while me and missy gave a look to each other one more time before answering

" you have our word" she said going in a superhero stand while I rolled my eyes

" when you need us, we'll be there" I said while giving her a nod and crossing my arms

" thank you" she said while stepping back and letting us go to our parents

All the parents started running to their children while the kids did the same, but there was one person who took her time while her dad used his super speed to go to her.

" I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday" he said while I just hugged him

" it's alright, but you know; you remind me of grandma and grandpa" I said while he laughed before so punched his arm

" what was that for?" He said while put his hand over his arm

" for forgetting my birthday and this..."I said while taking out a necklace from my pocket

" is for being my father" i said handing him it while there was symbols on it, one was wind, the second was a floating figure, then my name in the middle, while last but not least. Me and him hugging on the other side of the middle.

So basically it was a rectangle that had four side which you can see something different on each one, sorry if it was confusing.

Our time was soon interrupted when I heard someone cough in the background
" is it okay I talk to her?" Wild card asked while my dad just stared at him before letting me go

" so for your birthday, I'm sorr-"
" oh just shut up" I said while pulling him in by the shirt and kissing him, which he gladly did back

" ha! You guys owe me money!" Anita said while me and wild card pulled away

" come on, pay up" she said while me and him laughed before putting our hands out

" and why do I owe you money" Anita said while me and wild card gave a look to each other

" because, we helped your deal become complete. It's only fair if you split the money" wild card said while we both smirked and Anita frowned

" fine" she said counting the money before giving us the same amount. Me and wild card just smiled while we went to the others and started doing our own handshake before she came up to me

" we don't really have a handshake" she said while I just smiled

" well, what about a group hug!" I yelled while everyone gathered in

This was the day...our hero's fell; but others did rise. As for the aliens, they'll be back; and when they call on us for help. We will be prepared

We'll be ready.....

The narrator said while we all posed for our dramatic scene of course. Everyone was posing while me and wild connected hands to see our bracelets do the same.

When you call us....we'll be there......

we'll be there

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