Chapter 17

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I open my eyes to sunlight beaming in through my window. I groan and pull my hand up to run my hand over my eyes only for my right arms to be held under something. 

I look over to see Austin snuggled against me. I slowly pull my arm from underneath him. I look at the time and my eyes bulge out of my head. Shit.

I shake Austin awake, "Austin, get up."

It's 10:30. We're both late for school. Second period would just be ending. I have a few missed texts from my friends asking why I'm not in school and if everything's okay. 

I hastily text the group chat saying I overslept and rush to get Austin ready. I take a quick shower. Well, as quick as I can with so many protests from my aching body. 

The towel that had ice in it last night was in the bathroom sink. I hang it over the door to dry. Austin must've taken it off me before he fell asleep. 

I let my hair air dry as I sluggishly slip a baggy sweatshirt over my head with a pair of leggings and sneakers. 

I give Austin a piece of toast and some lunch money since I don't have time to pack him anything. I shove a bagel in my mouth and plop him in the back seat of my car. 

By the time I check him in late and get him dropped off, I make it back to my school just in time for lunch. I put my things in my locker and head to the cafeteria. Students move hurriedly around the halls. 

Someone grabs me from behind, wrapping me in a bear hug, "There you are, you little rebel!"

I inhale sharply, his large arms squeezing my vulnerable bruises. My face contorts in pain. I see Nik, Shade, Carly and Sophie standing around me. 

Kevin puts me down quickly, "What's wrong?"

I wince, "Sorry, I'm just a little sore. I fell down the stairs yesterday," I say with a convincing tone. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," he apologizes. 

I wave him off, "Don't worry about it. I'm really clumsy sometimes."

Everyone seems to buy my story. Shade snorts, "Yeah. You'd be the kind of person in a movie who everyone thinks would die some heroic death. But then you go into the next room, trip over your dog, and choke on a spoonful of frosting."

I can't help but burst out laughing and then I wince again, "Ow. Don't make me laugh."

He chuckles and we all walk into the cafeteria, taking our usual seats in the back.

"Mm!" Carly exclaims, swallowing the food in her mouth before saying happily, "Guess what?"

"Uhm, is your mom pregnant?" Kevin asks curiously, then fakes shock, "Shit, I thought I used protection."

Carly glares at him then chucks an apple at his head, hard. "Shut up! Now you aren't invited."

He gives her puppy dog eyes, "Please invite me wherever you're inviting us. I'm sorry."

Then he smiles seductively at her, "I'll make it worth your while."

She blushes furiously, "Anywayyyyy, my parents have a cabin upstate and said I could use it and go away with my friends if I wanted next weekend. It's like the first weekend in October I think."

"OMG for real?" Sophie shrieks, "That'll be so much fun! Yes!"

Kevin grins, "Wow, a whole weekend, just the six of us. Your parents know you're inviting boys?" He wiggles an eyebrow. 

She scowls at him, "Yes, they were surprisingly fine with it. They told me to have fun and not destroy the place, or get pregnant. Or any of my friends. That was her one rule. No babies."

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