160- Killing People With Demonic Arts

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Ch160 - Killing People With Demonic Arts

Duan Yuyang clearly remembered Ling Chigu, who suddenly appeared and startled him that day. That scene was still fresh in his memory, and he couldn't help getting goosebumps as he motioned with his hand, "Go by yourselves and remember to be careful. There are quite a few of the city lord's patrol groups near the vicinity of Sky Peak City, so it'll be bad if you're caught."

Yan Tianhen reassured him with full confidence, "Ah Gu is not me. He's so smart, so he definitely won't be caught so easily."

Duan Yuyang's lips twitched as he thought in his heart, this kid can really elevate others while simultaneously deprecating himself so carelessly.

Just after Lin Xuanzhi and Yan Tianhen parted ways with Duan Yuyang, a group of people appeared in the spot where they had just stood before.

One of them said, "Boss, they took four kinds of treasures with them. If we can rob them and sell those treasures, then we won't have to worry about food and drink anymore."

A vicious light appeared in the eyes of the man they called the Boss. He drew his lips, "Fuck, that Lin Xuanzhi brat actually dared to be so arrogant. Laozi will let him have it today then!"

"Come, let's follow them and see where they're going!"

Yan Tianhen walked along the road, troubled by the nagging sensation that someone was following them.

Yan Tianhen wanted to turn his head, but Lin Xuanzhi clasped his hand.

"There are indeed people following us, but we need not pay attention to them." Lin Xuanzhi spoke in a light voice.

"Who could they be?" Yan Tianhen asked, frowning.

"He...Perhaps some greedy people who want to obtain some items from us." Lin Xuanzhi was clear on this. He obtained so many treasures by himself today, so people will surely target him. However, the public order in Sky Peak City could be considered quite good, and under the strong pressure of the Huangfu family, no one dared to stir up anything inside the city. However, it was a different story if he went outside the city.

Naturally, most of the large aristocratic families cherished their wings, so they usually disdained doing things like tracking down and following someone in order to stab them in the dark. However, no one could guarantee what would happen when they could reap great benefits from doing so.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuanzhi's heart felt cold, and he pressed the storage bag with his fingers.

Yan Tianhen sensed Lin Xuanzhi's action and immediately became a little nervous, but he could still be considered pretty calm. He whispered, "Dage, when we reach Yudai Mountain, we'll have Ah Gu to help us so don't be afraid, Dage. I will protect you."

Lin Xuanzhi didn't expect Yan Tianhen to interpret his action of preparing to draw out a weapon at any instant as being afraid instead! However, Yan Tianhen's words really warmed his heart.

"Then Dage will place his life in Ah Hen's hands," In spite of the situation, Lin Xuanzhi actually showed him a warm smile.

Yan Tianhen, who was entrusted with an important responsibility, nodded at once. "Don't worry, Dage, leave everything to me. The current me is actually super strong!"

At that time, the atmosphere that was somewhat tense at first began feeling warmer as they bantered back and forth.

Not long after, the two exited from the city gate and arrived in the wilderness of Yudai Mountain.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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