T h i r t y - T w o

862 37 36

~ Vincent ~

"Listen, Vincent. I'm a very straightforward person, but you make me a tad bit nervous, that's why I asked for Emily's help to set up this meeting with you. But now, I'll get straight to the point... I like you, and I couldn't -"

What was going on?

I came here to confess, and now someone was confessing to me?

Taking a deep breath, I turned towards the blonde girl, "Look, Fiona, I'm not your everyday charming good guy, okay? Beneath this exterior, there is a guy who's not so easy to tolerate. Not everyone can bear with me but her. Isn't it funny that nobody noticed me when I was a broken soul? Nobody noticed me when I was a lonely freak. But now, now that I hang out in a group, you... y'all started to notice me. But there is a girl who noticed me way before y'all did and... made me the guy I today am."

I sighed, and my gaze softened.

She was just a young girl, I shouldn't have snapped at her.

"Fiona, trust me, I know that rejection is painful, but understand that I'm not good for you. You're a very outgoing girl, so you will eventually find the right one."

She looked taken aback by my speech, and in all honesty, so was I.

"I-Is it Emily?"

My gaze dropped to the ground, "Yes, she is the one."



"Uh, look, I've got to go now. It was nice meeting you." We both knew it was just a formality, "All the best wishes from me."

She smiled, and she faked it.

What's with everybody faking smiles today?

I searched for Emily again, and by now, the rain was drizzling lightly, spreading an earthy scent in the atmosphere.

I was drenched to a good amount, yet still I continued searching for her, "Oh Em, where are you?"

The school was almost empty, and I'm thankful for that.

I went where my legs carried me and stopped at the school park.

Thank God that Emily was there like I hoped.

She was sitting on a park swing with her line of sight fixed on the muddy ground.


It was now or never.

Instantly, her head snapped up, and she squinted her eyes at me as if contemplating whether I was actually there or not.

Once she confirmed, she stood up quickly, and I wasted no time to walk towards her.

Speak out of your heart.

I closed my eyes and calmed down my sky-rocketing heartbeat.


"Uh, where's Fiona?"

She was joking, right?

"What? I ran all the way to here to find you, and you are asking about her?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean like that. I-I just -"

I sighed, "It's okay, Emily, I get it. You wanted to know about my reply to her and of course, it was a big no."

She gasped, "Why?"

I slowly tucked her drenched strand of hair behind her ear. "Because I do not have any feelings for her."

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