As a Mother

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As a Mother, she's protective, she stick rules around the house and wants everyone to obey. And because of those rules safety and smiles are written throughout my childhood years.

She's sometime patient and often hot tempered so I don't recommend messing with her.

She do lots of chores when she's at home, I guest you could say that she's one of those super mom that wants the whole house squeaky clean from top to bottom, inside and out.

She support me in everything I does, even now, she's supporting me in every stories I post in wattpad as I take my baby steps of being an author who will give smiles, tears, fears, loves and thrills to my readers.

She gave me hundreds inspirational actions and words that made me thrive each day in this blissful life of mine.

She told me that I can be anything, I just need confidence, self reliance, and prayers.

I will never stop in continuing life cause she's always there in my heart to guide me.

Our memories grow as I get older and every single fragment of her is what I cherish the most.

A Mother and A TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now