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"Get out of my house."

"I don't love you anymore."

"I need more."

"You're fired."

"Your Aunt is dead."

"Your dog ran away."

"How many times have I told you not to do that?"

"I need space."

"You lied!"

"Drama queen."

so many things to be said
So many emotions to be felt.

All I do is cry.

When the stress is overwhelming, accusations thrown around, tragedy strikes the family, my little world falls apart.

The anxiety is overbearing, it clings onto me.
My mind is reeling, it's becoming harder to breath.

Look over the road block that is your mind- look around
The block is only so big.

With time the storms will erode the concrete walls you once thought were so strong
You'll watch as the grainy layers break away, piece by piece

And you will wonder
How am I left standing?

The road block is not as strong as you.

I cry

And that's my way of letting go
Getting through
Storms erode
The strong facade my anxiety holds.

Life experiences Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora