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august 18th, 2020
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"OKAY CLASS, WELCOME TO INTRODUCTION OF FILM." Professor Bernthal, a balding caucasian man, wrote the name of the class on a white board, "Or known better as Film 101."

Brandon stretched his long legs then blinked a couple of times to keep the sleepiness at bay.

Sitting on either side of Brandon was Terrence and Cam'ron Fletcher, a forward on the basketball team with him.

"This class isn't just-." The professor was interrupted by a girl coming into class with straightened black and light brown hair, wearing a flannel over extremely ripped up boyfriend jeans, gigantic yellow hoop earrings and tortoise colored round eyeglasses.

"You're late." Professor Bernthal said with raised eyebrows.

"I know. I'm sorry," The girl closed the door behind her and moved into a desk a few seats up from Brandon.

"Anyway, as I was saying. This class isn't just watching movies all day so if you came here to do that and think you'll get an easy A here, the door is right there."

Sure enough, a little more than half of the class got up and headed for the door including Terrence and Cam'ron.

Brandon gave his two friends a 'what the fuck' expression but Cam'ron shrugged and then the two were gone.

"Yeah," Professor Bernthal nodded, "This is more like it. Now, I always start the first day with an icebreaker. Let's start with uh, late girl, over here."

Brandon turned to look at the girl who was busy stuffing a thick textbook into her bag.

She looked up and around at everyone, meeting Brandon's gaze for a second, then turned to the professor.

Ain't that the girl from Chick-fil-A?

"Say your name, where you're from, your major, a random fact and something you do in your free time."

"Well, um," The girl sighed, "My name is Sunday. I'm from Louisville, Kentucky born and raised. I'm majoring in political science on a pre law track, I'm good with cars and I like to paint."

Professor Bernthal nodded and then started to point towards random people in the class to give their icebreakers.

It took awhile for the professor to get to Brandon and when he finally did so, Brandon sat up, "Hi, my name is BJ. I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm majoring in business management, my favorite food is crab legs and in my free time I like to sleep."

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