Part 3: Attracting Fate

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There is no way to prove the existence of Fate.  Whether something would have happened had the circumstances been different is not to debate, but rather, why the situation had not been different in the first place, and there is no answer to that question.

Attraction is different. The longer that something exists – a skill, a treasure, an idea – the greater the chance that eventually, a situation will arise where that thing is put to the test. An apple is attractive to creatures that eat it; the longer it remains on the tree, the more likely it is that it will be plucked off and eaten.

This is what some may call Fate. Perhaps it is. But we are, to a certain extent, in control of it. If you know how to pull the strings of this so-called Fate, and persist for long enough, you may find some version of what you are looking for. But if you wish to instead fall off the apple tree, uneaten, and sprout new life, you will need to become very good at hiding what it is that attracts the world to you.  And making that decision to attract or hide is entirely up to you.

-Excerpt from the Druith Codex, Chapter 12

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