Santiago motherfucking Torres

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Santiago's POV:-

Argh, I am hungry!

Well, looks like a make-out session with my ex, and a couple of drinks with Dean didn't fill my stomach.

I closed my laptop as soon as I finished making the report on my newest project and glanced at my phone which flashed with a notification.

Pretty little thing: How about that dinner now?

Dios Bueno! Her timing couldn't be any more perfect.

Me: Sounds great. I'll pick you up ;)

I replied to her text and left my office shortly.


After a short ride, I finally pulled my car over to backwood's workplace. As I stepped inside the building and headed straight towards her office, ignoring everyone's greetings.

"Hello, pretty little thing" I greeted her as I opened the door and let myself in.

don't mind me. knocking on the door is just not my thing.

and there she was, focused on her phone screen. I bet she didn't even realize my presence until I greeted her.

"Please, take a seat, Santiago," she said politely, gesturing me at the chair.

Is Cara being polite? To me? Interesting.

A slight smirk appears on my face as I sat down on the chair and rested my feet on her table which I've sure pissed her off.

"Put your feet down," She said well it was more of an order coming from her mouth so I listened this time.

"What's the matter, pretty little thing?" I asked, examining her face carefully. I noticed that she was smiling which is concerning.

"I wanna show you something," She said with a slay smirk on her face. Even more interesting.

I watched her carefully as she pushed a couple of keys on her laptop before turning the screen at me.

What I saw couldn't be explained in words... she has a video of me making out with my ex?! Who could-

Dean! I should have seen that coming. Now, I know what that politeness was for. Well done.

I do hope she doesn't think that she won this game. Oh no no no, she may have leverage against me but that doesn't mean I lose. No fucking way.

"Seriously, Pretty little thing? You are spying on me now? You are not that desperate to defeat me. Are you?"

"Trust me, Santiago. I am really desperate"

My my my! If she is THAT desperate then maybe... Just maybe I can make her sleep with me.

"Come on, deep down you wish it was you I was making out with. Don't you?" I asked with a smirk.

Even if she says no that doesn't hide that slight blush that crept on her cheeks, "Shut it. I don't" she hissed.

Well, that's unfortunate. I thought I would never throw my golden card but this girl leaves me with no choice.

I pulled out my phone and did what I never thought I would. I made her listen to the things she said back in the day.

Of course, I recorded her. What kind of deal that would be If I didn't have a prove?

'You want me to do this publicity stunt with you. Huh? Very well then. Count me in

This is made her sly smirk disappear from her face and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. I mean, how could she possibly think that table has turned.

"You didn't..." She said as I stopped the recording and meet her gaze once again.

I am Santiago motherfucking Torres! What she takes me for?!

"Oh, I did. What kind of businessmen I would be If I didn't have proof of this dirty business of ours?"

She is angry and I could see it in her eyes. Maybe, there was a hint of fear too which was just icing on the cake.

"Suck my dick!" She said with gritted teeth, looking completely frustrated.

"You don't have one, sweetheart" I sassed at her which frustrated her emotions even further.

"Then I'll fucking grow one!" She snapped at me. I didn't say anything and gave her time to calm down.

"Are we good now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and she just nodded, cursing underneath her breath.

"Great. let's have dinner then" I smirked as I stood up from my chair and she shook her head. Of course, she wasn't going to agree that easily.

"You wouldn't want me to leak this audio out. Right, pretty little thing? Be a good girl and care to join me. Don't worry I'll buy you a pizza"

She let out a sigh before she got off her chair and followed me behind, not having much of a choice.

My poor pretty little thing.

                  ✦✧✧ - ✧✧✦

I aM sIcK AF. sEnd hElp oR PiZza Or MaYbE bOtH.

VotE AnD CoMmEnT If YoU PlEasE. TakE CArE oF YOuRsElF aNd StAy HAPpY. I'll SeE ArOUnd TilL tHeN...

HAsTa lA VIsTa bABy 😘

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