Chapter Six

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*Sorry for any mistakes*

The next week


Mai sat at the front desk of the shop going through the appointments on the computer, she worked her 8-2 shift but was getting off at 12 because she was taking Darline to an appointment. When a pen rolled off of the desk and she bent down to pick it up when she heard the door open.

When she got back up with a smile to greet the customer but it was Mikah staring at her causing the smile to go away, and her breath, literally. He was looking a bit too fine today in her opinion.

"What." She straight faced him, trying not to let her eyes roam.

"That's how you greet people ?...furthermore is that how you greet your customers?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"No that's how i greet you, you got an appointment?" She asked him "because if you don't, I suggest you leave." She sarcastically smiled at him while tilting her head.

He shook his head at her leaning on the counter " yeah i got one."

Just as she was about to answer Micheal a barber there called him.

"Cmon boy, sit down, we don got all day" he waved him over.

"Byeee" he waved his hands at the girl.

"Uhuh" she went back to looking at the computer screen.

"So" Nelly walked up to Mai.

"Yes Donella?" Mai turned to her.

"You and Mi Mi ?" She titled her head

"I- wh- where you get that from?" Mai asked

"I can see it." Donella nodded.

"Girl see what ? The two of us having a very brief conversation?" Mai told her.

"I know what im saying." Nelly smirked at her.

"I am a case, 17 years old, he is 21, furthermore ion look at him like that." She looked at Nelly.

"You tryna convince yourself or me ? Anyway, he only turned 21 in like what ?...May?...girl it's July almost August and you turning 18 in December. Girllll..."

"Nelly what is the point of this conversation, you know damn well im passed that stage. Do not start." Mai straight faced her.

"Okay okay" she put her hands up in fake surrender walking backwards.

"Yeah walk away..." Mai nodded at her.

When Nelly walked away she looked over to Micheal's chair where Mikah was sitting, they were having a conversation through the mirror when he looked over at Mai and she was so gone that she didn't realize that she got caught staring.

He started to smirk and that's when she snapped back into reality and looked away.

30 minutes later

Mai got up from the desk to go use the bathroom when she was stopped mid way by no one other than Mikah.

"I need to pee, may you please excuse me ?" She asked looking up at him.

"I need to pay." He looked down

"Nelly can cash you out" she looked behind him to see Nelly smiling, she slit her eyes the woman. "Right Nelly?"

"Uh nah girl, gotta get ready for a client yuh know ?" Nelly smiled at her knowing the client wasn't coming until an hour later.

She scoffed "cmon man." She huffed going back to the desk.

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